Controversial opinions on metal

I'm too much of a faggot to log in to right now, so here you go: Gorgoroth, Marduk, Judas Iscariot, Maniac Butcher, Carpathian Forest, Inquisition, Mayhem, Taake, Impiety (Singapore), Bestial Warlust, Bestial Holocaust, Deströyer 666, Drudkh, Abigor, Horna, Dark Funeral, Sacramentum, Toxic Holocaust, Graveland, Emperor, Dissection, Satanic Warmaster, Profanatica, Sargeist, Vulcano, Deathspell Omega, Windir, Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Bathory, Venom, Darkthrone, Sabbat (Japan), Tormentor, Death SS, Sarcófago, Impaled Nazarene, Poison (Germany), Antestor, 1349, Beherit, Master's Hammer, Von, Watain, and Bulldozer for some introductory acts, and of course, keep pursuing the acts you already listed. If you want or need more, just hit me up.
Not big on Windir or 1349, but aside from that, A1 list. *thumbs up*
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Specifics? I've heard a little Watain and Funeral Mist and don't remember either giving me DMDS vibes, but that would have been a long time ago and I could've heard the wrong albums/songs.
I'm not saying all those bands are DMDS clones it was mostly just examples of bands that obviously sprung from the DMDS sound rather than Darkthrone or Burzum.

Try Watain - Cacus Luciferi or Ondskapt - Draco Sit Mihi Dux for the full DMDS sound tho.

Funeral Mist is shit from what I remember, but I assume he's talking about Salvation.

Funeral Mist is the only band I listed that is actually great (the others range from ok to pretty good).
Death metal is objectively the most diverse genre of metal. It should really be split into multiple genres of its own, because it's too broadly defined if anything.

i would say progressive metal is the most diverse. all kinds of styles are thrown into prog metal. even just looking at dream theater you have jazz and classical and etc. thrown in.

death is already split up into tech, brutal, osdm, melodic..
No, I don't need 4th tier Darkthrone knockoffs. It's more a lack of funds than anything because I would rather buy some of this shit than listen to it on Spotify out of order.
Didn't ask you about that, just if you wanted to branch into the more obscure, but still quality outfits in the music.
Electric Wizard are so boring, so of course you think this about doom metal. :lol:

To put it this way, Electic Wizard was something I liked when I used to sniff glue. Black Masses is a great song, though. Stuff like that is only appreciable under the influence of drugs, which is why stoners like it so much.

Conversely, black metal is a genre for the intelligent and the sober, as it's more based in emotion as opposed to "whoa, that sounds cool". Granted, Dunkelheit by Burzum "sounds cool", but it is also heavily atmospheric.

Varg Vikernes drinks non alcoholic beer, but I did see a video of Absurd live, in which Wolf held a horn of mead up...

As far as intelligence goes, Varg Vikernes is certainly very intelligent, and those who say otherwise simply fear his intelligence, for it might bring about views that conflict with yours.
At least I don't record my art over a crappy headset microphone and tell people it's anything other than masturbation.