Controversial opinions on metal

Killswitch Engage writes really catchy songs.
United Abominations is a good album.
KSE suck, but you're right about UA.

- recent trends here, and the general "accept everyone as they are" attitude would suggest a number of people like nu-metal and are proud of it.
- i think burzum is tremedously overrated and i dont listen to any of it at all either (a number of ppl share this viewpoint)
- marduk and anthrax do in fact suck
- liking slipknot to me is no worse than liking meshuggah
- i dont listen to any power metal ... he doesn't listen to any black metal. im sure there are plenty of people out there that dont listen to particular genres.

the question therefore begs; why is it ok to agree/accept one of his statements, but not all at once?
with meshuggah, they have a lot of technical skill, even if you don't enjoy their music. slipknot just suck.
also, needless to say a ringing endorsement of metalcore and nu-metal is contrary to everything this forum stands for.
Basically, he's entitled to his opinion (although he could have phrased the one about Burzum in a less retarded way), but he's in the wrong place if that's how he feels.

that music without him on vocals and say,Dickinson instead would have been so much better to me.
I agree. Maybe Halford?
The only thing i´ve heard from them was this cover of Holy Diver,sounded pretty good i thought,if only they had skipped the cheesy unmotivated screaming part at "between the velvet lies"
I don't really hate metalcore I just lost most of my interest in it. Killswitch Engage are alright.
I've heard a bit of Killswitch & I didn't care for any of it, however someone played a Killswitch song at a local bar a few eweks back when I was out drinking & I really enjoyed the song, however I was drinking heavily @ the time. I even had to get up & go to the Touch Tunes to see who it was. I thought it was Shadows Fall, which is one of the few metalcore I've heard that I think has some really good stuff.
There is better metalcore that isn't popular.

I like Whisper Supremacy as much as None So Vile, and I really don't get what's so bad about mike disalvo's vocals.
I think technical death metal is better than brutal death metal.
There is better metalcore that isn't popular.

I think technical death metal is better than brutal death metal.

That's true, hard to find, though. Can't depend on Roadrunner for good metal these days, with the exception of a few metalcore bands.

I think they are both equally good.

I think that GWAR wouldn't be where they are now if they dressed like people.