Controversial opinions on metal

I'm half-shitposting tbh. I've only played Arena, Daggerfall, and Skyrim to any extent, and didn't beat any of them. No way anything related to that series qualifies as in-crowd though, Morrowind was already a big breakthrough for them and they've expanded their normie audience with every successive game. The level-scaling bullshit is what really puts me off, but I'm not a fan of the open-world, a-hundred-identical-dungeons-to-explore style in general.
Morrowind was a success because it was a milestone in the open-world RPG genre, but it's extremely normie-unfriendly from a modern perspective. I don't think something being popular in the past disqualifies it from being an in-crowd darling in the present, but whatever, you're the one who insists on using this bullshit term anyway.
I tried Elder Scrolls Online while it was in Beta, and yeah it was fucking awful.

For my video game in-crowd you have to consider Dark Souls to be pretty much the best game of the past 10 years.
I tried Elder Scrolls Online while it was in Beta, and yeah it was fucking awful.

For my video game in-crowd you have to consider Dark Souls to be pretty much the best game of the past 10 years.
Dark Souls? Best game of the past ten years? In what perverse, Hideo Kojima wet dream world?
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I'm not going to make a claim that it's objectively the best video game of the past 10 years, although it's certainly my favourite. Since I'm apparently in-crowd as fuck, that means it should also be high on the in-crowd's video game list.

I don't really know what you were talking about with your Hideo Kojima comment.
I'm not going to make a claim that it's objectively the best video game of the past 10 years, although it's certainly my favourite. Since I'm apparently in-crowd as fuck, that means it should also be high on the in-crowd's video game list.

I don't really know what you were talking about with your Hideo Kojima comment.
M'kay, just checking, cause I've chanced upon DS fans who'll venture into that claim as though it's objective truth. Dark Souls is high on the pantheon of linear ridiculousness, and Hideo Kojima personifies linearity to the point of absurdity in gaming.
I haven't played a minute of Dark Souls, but everything I've seen about it pisses me off. I almost want to play it just because I know I'll absolutely hate it and it will earn me out-crowd points, but I'd probably break something. Every other minute seems to be some mini-boss or boss with a slow, repetitive attack cycle and a big, fat HP bar. What sets it apart from any other hack and slash? idgi at all.

Alpha Centauri is the obvious true patrician's choice in computer game btw.

EDIT: Or STALKER for the last ten years.