Controversial opinions on metal

That song itself is okay, better than everything else they have done. Everything else is just like I said before. The scene kids love them a ton for some reason. I seriously do not get why though.
Behemoth is basically the meaning of boring, modern metal that lacks anything interesting, in my eyes that is. I am not saying people who listen them lack a decent musical taste but I just don't see what makes them so good. They seem so shallow, they just do everything really big and in a large scale to make it sound way too over-the-top.

Behemoth is awesome, what are you talking about?? In my opinion, one of the most important bands in black metal.

plus, I agree with WeAreInFlames; Conquer All > most Behemoth tracks. Though I prefer Inflamed With Rage.
Behemoth did almost nothing for black metal music. They never pushed any ground while playing black metal, though the BM-era albums are very good. They have done some interesting stuff for the popularity of death metal, both inside and outside of metal circles.
If you can't appreciate something like Conquer All then I have no desire to associate with you.

But their older black metal stuff is radically different in style.

Conquer All is an amazing song, but even then, I find it one of the weaker tracks on the album. I much prefer Sculpting the Throne ov Seth, The Nephilim Rising, The Reign ov Shemsu-Hor, and the title track, myself.

As for their BM material, or at least what I've heard (And The Forests Dream Eternally, Bewitching the Pomerania, and Grom), I agree that it doesn't push any ground at all, but it's still some awesome shit.
Controversial opinion,

Southern Lord, Crucial Blast, and Hydra Head all totally rule and deserve more attention from the true metal crowd.
Behemoth is basically the meaning of boring, modern metal that lacks anything interesting, in my eyes that is. I am not saying people who listen them lack a decent musical taste but I just don't see what makes them so good. They seem so shallow, they just do everything really big and in a large scale to make it sound way too over-the-top.
I pretty much agree, even if they've played a good song here and there. It's not awful stuff, but I don't get how people say these are 9/10 or 10/10 albums. They were pretty middle-of-the-pack for black metal too.

Not so sure why Southern Lord or Hydra Head is so reviled, although I'm really not familiar with Hydra Head beyond that they released a Xasthur thing or two, and it's owned by Aaron Turner (Isis). Southern Lord does an awesome job with their vinyl releases. I'm not crazy about Sunn 0))) but I like all the other bands I've heard off their roster.
Southern Lord has released some good stuff for sure, but their Good-Shit ratio is pretty bad. Most of their stuff is totally unintersting to me. And their releases are always expensive, atleast around here. Maybe I should order directly from them instead considering the lollish dollar.
I pretty much understand the Meshuggah hate. They're not for everyone. I fucking love them though. Their niche appeals greatly to my taste.
Behemoth is basically the meaning of boring, modern metal that lacks anything interesting, in my eyes that is. I am not saying people who listen them lack a decent musical taste but I just don't see what makes them so good. They seem so shallow, they just do everything really big and in a large scale to make it sound way too over-the-top.

I think the thing with Behemoth is that they hit a sweet spot somewhere in the middle of their career that has since tapered off. They weren't anything special as a pure black metal band, but still decent. But their first forays into the black/death hybrid sound (on Satanica and Thelema 6) were incredibly fresh-sounding at the time they came out. Not necessarily completely original, but they were doing what they did really well. Their last couple of albums are alright and still have similar elements, but they don't come together as well to me.
If you can't appreciate something like Conquer All then I have no desire to associate with you.

But their older black metal stuff is radically different in style.

That's not an original riff, by the way. It was borrowed with permission.

That song itself is okay, better than everything else they have done. Everything else is just like I said before. The scene kids love them a ton for some reason. I seriously do not get why though.

Behemoth appeal to the mainstream because they give the scene kids a false sense of "hey I'm into the most extreme and evil shit as compared to the rest of my friends" when in truth that's not the case, rather the mainstream has found, along with Nile, the most extreme end of its own spectrum without breaking into the underground too far. Dimmu Borgir are pretty close to that bookend as well.
I think Nile are great. They're pretty brutal, they have their own style, & they're a popular death metal band on the internet. Behemoth on the other hand do not impress me 1/4 as much. I have everything both bands have done. Behemoth is alright, but I think Nile are on a whole other level.
Suffo and Nile are both good and I enjoy the vox in both. However,on some albums both bands have boring moment where they sound like they're just imitating themselves. however, during their finest moments, suffo and nile both pump out some excellent headbanging riffage- I like their style of (generally) past pacedproto-brutal dm

for the record I like suffo a lot more, Effigies and Pierced are just tough to beat