Controversial opinions on metal

I think Nile are great. They're pretty brutal, they have their own style, & they're a popular death metal band on the internet. Behemoth on the other hand do not impress me 1/4 as much. I have everything both bands have done. Behemoth is alright, but I think Nile are on a whole other level.
Nile :kickass:
Theres something about Behemoth that is just boring as hell. I can listen to one song here or there, but I just cant go for a full album.
they are all great players (inferno rules) but it seems like they dont even try at the writing process.

Behemoths old stuff was good the new stuff is okay I guess it has its moments.
The only thing original about Niles vocals is they (well used to atleast) have three vocalists with different growls. My only problem with them is they tend to reuse material or make stuff that sounds extremely similar.
Thats one of the beefs that I have with newer Nile.
Theres no 3 attack anymore, its mostly just Dallas.
I was listening to Black Seeds a couple nights ago and its just a brutal fucking album. The drums really make that disk.
The newer stuff doesnt have the punchy drum sound that BSOV does. I guess it helps that they are a little higher in the mix also.
I mean, listen to Chapter for Transforming Into a Snake from BSOV. Its fucking awesome.
What I do like about the new stuff is that a couple songs have a thick doomy sound, like in Eat of the Dead and Even the Gods Must Die
It's definitely a less homogenous suite.
Flawless victory.

Thats one of the beefs that I have with newer Nile.
Theres no 3 attack anymore, its mostly just Dallas.
I was listening to Black Seeds a couple nights ago and its just a brutal fucking album. The drums really make that disk.
The newer stuff doesnt have the punchy drum sound that BSOV does. I guess it helps that they are a little higher in the mix also.
I mean, listen to Chapter for Transforming Into a Snake from BSOV. Its fucking awesome.
What I do like about the new stuff is that a couple songs have a thick doomy sound, like in Eat of the Dead and Even the Gods Must Die
To me, In Their Darkened Shrines is a perfect mix of slow, atmospheric sound (Sarcophagus, I Whisper In The Ear Of The Dead, parts of Unas, Slayer Of The Gods, and parts of the In Their Darkened Shrines saga) and fucking brutal ass-kicking (the rest of the album).
I don't like RiB - far too homogeneous an album

saying it's too homogenous is like criticizing punk albums for all sounding the same...

Whatever Hanneman says, there is homogeneity to it, and I dislike overly homogenous music...

The average metal suite is actually far less homogenous than Reign in Blood...

What a load of pseudo-intellectual claptrap. Firstly, it's a thrash metal album, and referring to it as a "suite" is seventeen shades of the gayest gay and should be ceased henceforth...

Get it now?
Dude. No way. The only thing DT released that came close to being as good as If The Light Takes Us was Soulside. Actually, the only thing DT released that was very good at all was Soulside. Should have stuck with DM.