Controversial opinions on metal

Yes, Pierced... and Effigy... are masterpieces. The vocals on Pierced From Within are better than on Effigy of the Forgotten, but Effigy of the Forgotten is a bit heavier.
:lol: fucking weirdos. Nile's vocals are vanilla as fuck. How the hell can you actively dislike them but like Morbid Angel's or any other death metal band's vocals for the most part!? Nile is also really fuckin' overrated.
Southern Lord has released some good stuff for sure, but their Good-Shit ratio is pretty bad. Most of their stuff is totally unintersting to me. And their releases are always expensive, atleast around here. Maybe I should order directly from them instead considering the lollish dollar.

They have been pretty cheap around where I live...

V5, are you listening to Mudvayne?
How are Nile's vocals substantially different than 90% of death metal bands?

They're just standard death metal vocals. I think Wade's voice is very suitable for death metal. It's not exactly a vocal style that relies on harmony & range anyways. It's a fucking death grunt. It's not a weak death grunt.

Nile are awesome. I used to be on the whole "Nile suck, I'm cool" bandwagon, but they've really grown on me over time & I think they deserve to be at the top of the scene. There may be better bands, not no 2nd Nile.
That's not an original riff, by the way. It was borrowed with permission.

Behemoth appeal to the mainstream because they give the scene kids a false sense of "hey I'm into the most extreme and evil shit as compared to the rest of my friends" when in truth that's not the case, rather the mainstream has found, along with Nile, the most extreme end of its own spectrum without breaking into the underground too far. Dimmu Borgir are pretty close to that bookend as well.
I know, from that anthrax song. Tbh it sounds 30 or 40 times better in the behemoth song.

How is Nile mainstream? They're a big death metal band, but I don't see them as popular outside of "true" metalheads. Behemoth are very extreme musically; they aren't constant blasting or grinding, but they're very fucking heavy. They really are one of the more extreme bands out there. Ideologically, I agree, although I find their lyrics more interesting than the retarded "SATAN SATAN BLOOD OF CHRIST FISTING JESUS FUCK ME SATAN SATAN RAAAR" or "GRRRRRRRR CUTTING OPEN PROSTITUTES I DRINK BLOOD SHIT CUMFUCK BITCHDIE DEATH GRRR" crap that a lot if not most extreme metal bands spew. Also, I get the impression that Nergal stands by his lyrics to a greater degree than is typical of these guys.

That said, I do agree.

Nile is pretty boring save for a few songs
Wrong, but w/e.

How are Nile's vocals substantially different than 90% of death metal bands?
Really, they aren't at all. I have no idea what people are talking about, they're solid, completely run-of-the-mill growls.
:lol: fucking weirdos. Nile's vocals are vanilla as fuck. How the hell can you actively dislike them but like Morbid Angel's or any other death metal band's vocals for the most part!? Nile is also really fuckin' overrated.

I do think MA's vocals are more Audible than Nile's, they are however the exact same style. Though I can hardly call them overrated.
Behemoths old stuff was good the new stuff is okay I guess it has its moments.
The only thing original about Niles vocals is they (well used to atleast) have three vocalists with different growls. My only problem with them is they tend to reuse material or make stuff that sounds extremely similar.
I intended it as a roundabout sort of compliment.

My point was that your taste is too fucking bizarre to be feigned. Which I guess is sort of insulting. Eh, I meant it in a good way.