Controversial opinions on metal

Rape isn't wrong just because the majority says so, you idiot. No one wants to be raped (by the definition of the term), and there's no legitimate reason for raping someone that outweighs the harm it causes. Either you have a fundamentally flawed understanding of ethics or you're just making up shit to see how long you can get me to reply, so I think I'm done with you.

Ethics and morals are wholly a personal thing, there is no such thing as objective morality.
But there are certain things that no one in their right mind wants to have happen to them, so for all practical purposes there is objective morality. It's just a matter of whether you want to call it "morality" or "maximising worldwide happiness" or "social order" or whatnot.
I never said metal was the only thing I liked, I like classical, blues and classic rock as well but saying that someone is ignorant because he doesn't like something is damn stupid.

EDIT: I see where you are going with this, you are saying that said person is ignorant if he judges a genre before hand, I was not arguing this, I was just saying that if a person has tried out a genre and just doesn't like it he should not be any less advanced because it's his own fucking opinion. I've tried out rap, techno, pop and punk a few times, I just do not like them.

yeah man i was agreeing with you

Personally, I don't get how someone could listen to nothing but metal. It doesn't make them ignorant to do so though, but I find that most people who do this or anything close to it are completely ignorant of all other forms of music.

there's plenty of music outside of metal which taps into similar moods, themes etc as a lot of metal, so for that reason i guess i don't really get it either.

But there are certain things that no one in their right mind wants to have happen to them, so for all practical purposes there is objective morality. It's just a matter of whether you want to call it "morality" or "maximising worldwide happiness" or "social order" or whatnot.

if we're talking about practicality then maximising worldwide happiness is way down on everybody's agenda, for good reason. why shouldn't people just take what they want, why do we have to act the same way as we want others to act?
I can't understand why you think that not liking the old school heavy metal bands means your any less of a metal head.

I hate that about metal. The mainstream is so watered down that metal is stereotyped as the "my-life-sucks, homework-sucks, i'll-scream-because-it's-deep" nu-metal. You are a metalhead no matter what metal you listen to.
Death Magnetic is the best Metallica album ever.

Equating music taste to rape is silly. Would you agree that certain foods taste good and others taste bad definitively, or do people have different tastes?
Wait... Cookiecutter is 1000% more advanced than most people on this forum because he likes more than just brutal death metal?! That's fucking hilarious... :lol:
Ha, I missed when Alter said that. I think my tastes right now are pretty specific although they are expanding. I really only like two subgenres of metal, a bunch of rap and a couple of classic rock here and there. Hardly 1000% "ahead" especially when compared to all that chest thumping about what non metal people like that just happened.

How is the fact that some people get as much joy out of Opeth as you do out of Devourment supposed to be relevant? The mere fact of disagreement or differing tastes has no bearing on the status of claims about aesthetic value.
But I am having difficulty justifying my claims about aesthetic value. Why does one thing have more aesthetic value than another? I assume you've taken some philosophy courses or at least are acquainted with the general ideas on this so I'd be interested in your answer.
Why is it the best?

Well, naturally it's a matter of opinion, but for me DM is just captivating from start to finish. I like the lyrical themes as much as any other album, the riffs are as awesome as ever, and what pushes it on top for me is the structures. There's so much change and activity in the songs but they remain perpetually moving. There's very few songs where I can say "yeah, that's the direction I think the song should have gone in" as far as the different segments, but with most of the songs on DM I can say exactly that. To me it's their most powerful album.

TBH I'm not the biggest fan of 80s-styled music, and I always said if Metallica released a quality heavy album in the 90s or 00s it would probably be my favorite. Turns out it came true.
Ha, I missed when Alter said that. I think my tastes right now are pretty specific although they are expanding. I really only like two subgenres of metal, a bunch of rap and a couple of classic rock here and there. Hardly 1000% "ahead" especially when compared to all that chest thumping about what non metal people like that just happened.

which two? brutal death and goregrind? :zombie:
But I am having difficulty justifying my claims about aesthetic value. Why does one thing have more aesthetic value than another? I assume you've taken some philosophy courses or at least are acquainted with the general ideas on this so I'd be interested in your answer.

Of course it's not like the Bible to Christians or anything, it's just kind of a general guide to go by. It by no means says you can't enjoy things that don't fall under any of the categories, but merely that they probably aren't considered beautiful/artistically relevant. Which is dumb.
if we're talking about practicality then maximising worldwide happiness is way down on everybody's agenda, for good reason. why shouldn't people just take what they want, why do we have to act the same way as we want others to act?

Because, genius, having people just do whatever they want does not maximise world happiness. Note the presence of the word world in there. As in, not the happiness of only a few people.
I can't understand why you think that not liking the old school heavy metal bands means your any less of a metal head.
No. But it's like saying that not knowing how to do simple math doesn't make you retarded. No, but it does make you uneducated.

Death Magnetic is the best Metallica album ever.
This is exactly why you need to post more. Not enough lulz on here.
see i hate the way the metal community in general views indie music and pop music

a band like Clouds is just fuckin' balls out rockin' but is associated with the indie scene for whatever reason, and would be shunned by so many people due to that. Cursive could appeal to anyone, and for anyone who claims that modern rock lacks originality this is one of the bands to hear. Dead Meadow is a premiere psychedelic rock band who just happens to be adored by the indie community.

You seem to be knowledgeable on the subject, so could you recommend me some specific releases for the bands you mentioned, and others?