Controversial opinions on metal

If this is about whether Celtic Frost is a black metal band, and whether their influence on this material of Darkthrone's makes said material black metal by definition, then I can understand why it would be considered black metal. You don't have to play the elitist know-it-all asshole to get this point across, though maybe that's as far as your ability to have a discussion on the subject goes.

At any rate, I'm not all that interested in pinning down what genre(s) the album belongs to. It's obviously more stylistically experimental/diverse than their previous albums, though.
I'm pretty sure nobody ever in the history of the world before right now has questioned whether or not Panzerfaust is entirely black metal.
I really don't see what's so shocking about this. If you could humor me in my lack of 'true understanding' of black metal for a moment, and think of the album purely in terms of sound, it seems quite easy to me to apply a variety of terms to it, such as death and doom. Maybe Darkthrone had no direct death or doom influences for it, but some of the material would not be out of place if played by a different band of one of those types.
Well sorry if my comments were narrow-minded. In my defense, though, I doubt there's ever been a genre of music whose definition was so much a subject of background information instead of actual sound.
Well sorry if my comments were narrow-minded. In my defense, though, I doubt there's ever been a genre of music whose definition was so much a subject of background information instead of actual sound.

Based on your description of Panzerfaust, you apparently mostly identify black metal with the more modern variations.

There's definitely a specific sound that black metal carries, and it's no more ambiguous than any other genre of music that I can think of. I admit that it's become a fairly diverse genre, but I don't think anyone aside from you has ever said Panzerfaust was anything other than a black metal album.
You just need to listen to more black metal. You should learn by osmosis eventually. No amount of reading opinions is going to make you any better at recognizing black metal when you hear it. There's nothing remotely experimental about Panzerfaust, unless you want to talk about the outro, which I'm guessing is not where that thought is coming from. I'm not sure where you're pulling this stuff about other genres from. Mid-paced songs like Triumphant Gleam have always been a part of black metal. The aesthetic is uniformly black metal.
Well, it is pretty easy to get attached to the stereotypical tremolo-and-blastbeat sound as the standard for the genre, and going from that to stuff like Venom and Celtic Frost there do seem to be a few missing steps. Hopefully I'll be able to understand it the way you guys do some day - though my interest in black metal is admittedly a casual one, and it'll probably be a long time before I've heard even a tenth as much of it as a lot of you have.
atmosphere is first and foremost, as long as it has the atmosphere it does'nt really matter about the sound,take bands like,Darkthrone,Inquisition,Conqueror,Sadistik Exektution,Spear Of Longinus ect,they all have one thing in common,they all have a dirty rotten sound,this is why i have problem labelling certain other bands as BM,even Emperor were a little 'fruity' for my tastes but it's all in the ear of the beholder imo
One way to do a quick check on whether it's black metal or not: is it explicitly groovy in any way? Focus on rhythm? If so, MOST LIKELY it is not black metal.
atmosphere is first and foremost, as long as it has the atmosphere it does'nt really matter about the sound,take bands like,Darkthrone,Inquisition,Conqueror,Sadistik Exektution,Spear Of Longinus ect,they all have one thing in common,they all have a dirty rotten sound,this is why i have problem labelling certain other bands as BM,even Emperor were a little 'fruity' for my tastes but it's all in the ear of the beholder imo

So you wouldn't like Borknagar
Well, I think wiki has them as "progressive bm" but then again, I have noticed that the progressive tag seems to get stuck to any band who resembles [genre_x] and adds a keyboard.
yeah what they do is pretty hard to classify,they're really did throw the rulebook out the window as far as BM goes,then again i could'nt see Garm and co. giving a rats as about rules,they had something special right from the get go,i guess there are bands who are anti-progress and those who'd rather not limit themselves,Borknagar are great whichever way you look at it