Controversial opinions on metal

I support this idea.

Thy Mighty Contract is one of the greatest (black) metal albums of all time. It'd easily make my top ten, if not top five. Criminally overlooked.

Agreed. Non Serviam as well. I also really enjoy Sleep of The Angels and Kronos. Both are fantastic. Their cover of Current 93's 'Lucifer Over London' is great.
The musical elements that they use are more varied, but like I already stated, they use them in a really consistently similar fashion, so their songwriting as a whole is not particularly varied despite the incorporation of a wider variety of musical elements. This is extremely easy to understand and was already stated by me in a clear and concise fashion, yet you seem to have not understood.

Meh, agree to disagree. To me Opeth are one of the most varied bands around.
Opeth are formulaic, but then so are Metallica(at least on their least technical albums), Candlemass and Summoning(seriously, is there a more formulaic band than these Austrians, strictly from a technical standpoint?) I've actually been enjoying Blackwater Park lately. It's pretty good, even if it's just paint by the numbers progressive metal that's been done better by more competent bands.
Here's some really controversial stuff on Opeth; Dirge For November is the best song on Blackwater Park, and now I'm not only talking about the acoustic parts but the whole thing, such a sad song. And I might ad that I'm not counting Still Day Beneath The Sun or Patterns In The Ivy II, two of the best songs they've ever made.

Here´s some really non-controversial stuff on Opeth; his clean voice is horrible.
I disagree.
His clean voice is what makes Opeth mildly entertaining to me. They still bore the shit out of me 97% of the time, but in some songs (such as Bleak, which happens to be my favorite from them by far) his clean parts are quite beautiful.
One thing you can say about Opeth is that they don't create a unique atmosphere on their albums compared to bands that preceded them. Their music is a melting pot of Black Sabbath, King Crimson and Metallica influences, but it's still good music.

By the same token, you can say that Candlemass ripped off Black Sabbath.And many Black Sabbath fanatics who were raised on the band's music will probably support this view in saying that Candlemass is absolute pretentious crap. And I can certainly understand these people, even if I don't agree with them.
On the subject of Akerfeldt's vocals, I much preferred them in Bloodbath than Opeth.

Also, don't know if it's already been mention but no one ever seems to agree on this one. Spheres is my favourite Pestilence album.
I have tried listening to MAYH probably 10 times now and there really is something about it that bores me - the only song that stood out to me on it was the "remember tomorrow" cover =P. In an Opeth thread when i saw that was the album most people recommended I never really bothered to try out other ones...which is pretty dumb, but I was expecting a lot from them in just one album with all the hype surrounding them, and it didn't deliver.
I have tried listening to MAYH probably 10 times now and there really is something about it that bores me - the only song that stood out to me on it was the "remember tomorrow" cover =P. In an Opeth thread when i saw that was the album most people recommended I never really bothered to try out other ones...which is pretty dumb, but I was expecting a lot from them in just one album with all the hype surrounding them, and it didn't deliver.
Blackwater Park is the one that got me into the band.
Well, it was actually one of my Metal 101 records. :p
I think i's their most accessible work.

Bathory's debut is thoroughly awesome. Even the excessive three minute intro is awesome.
I do, but I don't know if it will be controversial. At any rate, it's an opinion and I want to state it:

Anders Friden has a horrible clean voice. I frequently enjoy when melodic death metal vocalists sing, but not Anders.

Bathory's debut is thoroughly awesome. Even the excessive three minute intro is awesome.

Is this controversial?