Considering that Bathory might be the single most respected band on this forum... I'm gonna go ahead and say no.
fuck off
I like both, but if you want to compare for some acinine reason i'd say yes.
didn't you say grind sucked? then why do you have Carcass in your sig?
Summoning(seriously, is there a more formulaic band than these Austrians, strictly from a technical standpoint?)
That's not that weird of a thing because most grind does suck. Carcass however, does not.
Actually your mom sold out.
no, no. just admit it, Carcass sold out.
^ There, I put it in terms he'd understand.
quiet you. grind is awesome.
No, awesome grind is awesome, shit grind is shit. Their just happens to be a high percentage of shitty grind bands.
.I wouldn't call any album that still features extreme vocals "selling out" because in order to sell out someone has to buy it you dumb fuck