Controversial opinions on metal

Usually controversial for prog-ish people here, not at all controversial for most strictly extreme metal people here since they already hate everything remotely like this...

...I don't think Pathosray is very good at all. I've tried over and over again to get into them and I end up with nothing. Same situation with Communic. I know people will get on me about the Communic and say they are teh heavy and all that. Neither band is memorable to me at all though..

and as a bookend to the thought-tree, just in case I didn't mention it in here yet, Pain of Salvation drinks heavily from the well of suck. Easily one of the most terrible bands I've heard. Except for 'Undertow', I sort of like that song.
Pain of Salvation drinks heavily from the well of suck. Easily one of the most terrible bands I've heard. Except for 'Undertow', I sort of like that song.
in before Mort

and yes Pain Of Salvation are a painful listen. Gildenblow irritates me to no end.

Swansong is crap, just admit it.
even before you got banned you've been shitting on that album every chance you get. It's getting old tbh.
I don't like very many "classic" albums and can often find contemporaries I prefer.

While this is an old post, I've never read it before, so I hope that you've decided to become less of a poser since posting it, though I'm somewhat skeptical that you have.
While this is an old post, I've never read it before, so I hope that you've decided to become less of a poser since posting it, though I'm somewhat skeptical that you have.
You were actually reading through the old pages in this thread?
It's actually on the first page, which I clicked by accident and didn't even realize was old until I was replying to it.