Controversial opinions on metal

It's not a real genre as V5 stated. People just call european power metal bands like Sonta Arctica who use keyboards as a main instrument that, because it's too "gay" for their "kvlt" extreme metal taste.

Well that's ok then. If it's gay, it should be mocked accordingly.
The whole hate on grindcore is kind of funny. Carcass and napalm death are nuts..

I do agree that pig squeal thing is a bit excessive but the music isn't that bad..

There are a lot of bands in different genre's with ridiculous vox but the music is cool..
Bad vocals ruin a song. I couldn't listen to a song with bad vocals unless the music was exceptionally good (like Ozzy's Diary of a Madman). The whole pig sqeal thing is retarded. I'm a lot more into clean vocals but I still enjoy a good growl, but pig squealing is a joke...

And about the whole "flower" metal argument. Fuck you. If you would actually bother to listen, Sonata Arctica have some really powerful songs and so do other "flower" metal bands. But I guess you're far too kult for gay people who don't even growl...
Yes it is.

Whatever. Get over yourself.

But it IS pop-oriented in some ways. Pretty much anything that has a commercial appeal has pop leanings. There's nothing necessarily wrong with that.

I agree, there's nothing wrong with that; but flower metal doesn't have commerical appeal, believe me; people who love pop music and love mainstream radio do NOT listen to "flower" metal, or power metal. Just because it has high-pitched vocals and harmony parts and catchy hooks doesn't make it pop, or pop-oriented. "Pop" is short for popular, and power/"flower" metal is anything but. You can't compare it, because metal doesn't have the same audience that mainstream pop has, and the musicians work damn hard and make a tiny fraction of what mainstream artists make. So that's why I get pissed when people say that power metal is like pop music.
Also, it should be noted that progressive elements are common in this so called "flower power metal". I'm not saying that all power metal bands have progressive metal elements, but those who do have much more depth than 99% of all pop.
Power metal started out with balls (see Jag Panzer) and it should have them now.
Yeah, I mean, you listen to Future World by Helloween and you're just blown away by the sheer power and aggression.
Also, it should be noted that progressive elements are common in this so called "flower power metal". I'm not saying that all power metal bands have progressive metal elements, but those who do have much more depth than 99% of all pop.
Besides which, what's with this "pop=bad" thing. Pop just means popular. Pop music can be absolutely terrible, but it can also be really awesome and fun (see Europe).
Yeah, I mean, you listen to Future World by Helloween and you're just blown away by the sheer power and aggression.

And therein lies the divergence in the genre. Almost all Euro Flower Metal is exclusively delineated from Helloween's two Keeper albums. That is where all the gayness started. Then you have real, manly Power Metal from the US which is infinitely better, objectively speaking of course.
You can't compare it, because metal doesn't have the same audience that mainstream pop has, and the musicians work damn hard and make a tiny fraction of what mainstream artists make. So that's why I get pissed when people say that power metal is like pop music.

Not only is this argument faulty on logical grounds, but it's also not true, even in the 00's, when you have a Heavy Metal singer performing (!) Sonata Arctica songs on Finnish Idol and winning, and then having Lordi win the Eurovision contest.
And therein lies the divergence in the genre. Almost all Euro Flower Metal is exclusively delineated from Helloween's two Keeper albums. That is where all the gayness started. Then you have real, manly Power Metal from the US which is infinitely better, objectively speaking of course.

American power metal has always struck me as wannabe thrash, tbh
American power metal has always struck me as wannabe thrash, tbh

You probably don't know that much about it then. Much of it is an attempt to rekindle the flame of Traditional Metal, many of the bands having felt that Thrash Metal took it too far. The only real similarity is (occasionally) the speed, pretty much everything else is different and much more aligned with regular old Heavy Metal. Attacker's first album is a perfect example of this.
Flower metal really can't be compared to pop, simply because it lacks aggression. The song structures and riffs are far removed from pop. Flower metal probably has more in common with prog rock than anything else outside of metal.