Slayer have never released a bad album
Show No Mercy, you my pals
Divine Intervention being my favorite.QUOTE]
Wow. I'm not going to argue that you're objectively wrong (you are), but simply put forth the theory that you are a colossal faggot for thinking that DI comes close to the likes of Reign in Blood or South of Heaven.
Divine Intervention being my favorite.QUOTE]
Wow. I'm not going to argue that you're objectively wrong (you are), but simply put forth the theory that you are a colossal faggot for thinking that DI comes close to the likes of Reign in Blood or South of Heaven.
Yeah, ok. *insert random epithet or insult, take your pick* at you too, buddy. It's music, man, no big damn deal. You like those other albums? Cool, so do I. I prefer DI though.