Controversial opinions on metal

Listening to extreme metal requires me to look past the cheesiness of humans trying to imitate monsters.

Haha, definitely one way to look at it. When I first got into death metal I hated the vocals as well (shit, in 1992 there wasn't the buzz with it there is now), but they eventually grew on me. Oddly with the higher pitched vocals or the more melodic stuff: I used to like it back in the late 80's, somewhere around I guess 97 or so I completely lost any appreciation for it inexplicably.

Truth be told, there are some dm vocals I don't, namely all the amphibians and the water/gurglypuke bullshit that bands like Last Days Of Humanity employ.
After reading this thread this might be controversial:

I think anyone who claims to hate everything of a certain genre is a stupid asshole. Either he/she is to concerned with his/her reputation or he/she is just not grown up yet. There is good stuff everywhere if one keeps an open mind.

Power metal is one of those genres that get alot of shit and its not one of my favorites either but of course there is good stuff there as well as anywhere else.
With the exception of certain types of "brutal" music that come off as wholly retarded to me without exception, such as grindcore and slam death metal, I can't think of many genres of music that I hate on principle.

Manilla Road is clearly the best example of power metal that isn't gay.
If you say so, man. I've yet to experience this, I tend to cringe from the lame vocals.Some people can look past that, but vocals are a big thing to me, if it doesn't click with me, the whole thing is just grating on my nerves.

I agree with this, but my definition of lame is more around the 'doesn't sound like they're putting any effort in' or just off key ass fucking hell. Vocals that sound cheesy are fine as long as there's plenty of conviction behind the cheese.

Controversial opinion on topic : Immortal sounds like they have Popeye on vocals, and it's fucking awesome.
I like all their albums. I love the folk part of the band. It's what makes them Blind Guardian. The folk and the celtic themes. Not to forget the awsome riffs and Hansi's amazing voice.
i must admit, those vocals are quite un-gay. what is gay though, is that folky-sounding instrument at the start. but once the rest of the band kicks in, it's pretty good. what's their manliest album?

My vote would go to The Spirit of Ukko; and there isn't all that much "folk" influence on it, except for the song I posted and the final track, "And the North Star Cried." The rest of the song is, for the most part, fucking badass extreme power metal.

Actually, the first half of the record is all heavy fucking metal. They introduce acoustics on the final three songs; but I think the entire album slays.

I like all their albums. I love the folk part of the band. It's what makes them Blind Guardian. The folk and the celtic themes. Not to forget the awsome riffs and Hansi's amazing voice.

Just to be clear, the song I posted was of Kiuas, not Blind Guardian. I wanted to show that power metal vocalists can have fucking ballsy voices. And personally, Hansi has a ballsy voice as well.
I have nothing against Blind Guardian's style at all. I always like their material. Especially A Twist In The Myth. I'm looking forward for another release of course. I mean I got into metal at the age of 12 and I heard of Blind Guardian a few years after maybe less.