Controversial opinions on metal

The drumming (esp. the tone) is the best part! Richard Christy is LEGITIMATELY talented and good! BUT, he does do some random fucking shit on that album that absolutely makes no sense.
It's so technical that is has to be good! It just has to! Forget the retarded drumming with no substance! Forget the terrible, strained Dani Filth vocals! It has to be good because Chuck Schuldiner died!

Irony Alert!
The chief irony being that you claim to want to be a better poster while every post that you make only serves to perpetuate your current status as possibly the most universally disliked person on this website.
The chief irony being that you claim to want to be a better poster while every post that you make only serves to perpetuate your current status as possibly the most universally disliked person on this website.

I did say for, like, one post that I was a better poster than that one guy because I am. I don't promote China-style children limit laws or create threads about the end of the world. The only people who have come close to insanely stupid and worthless posting as him is Ohio and, of course, you. I don't think it is a stretch to claim I am better than. I have not made too many terrible posts since creating this account. Less than you, I would assume. I don't pick fights like you do for the sake of trying to get eaten out by Matt or whatever his name is; I prefer Nec/Dodens. You try and be Ms. Elitist by claiming superiority above everyone else and do so by posting bitchy posts. I have not gone on any crazy spam raids or started any debates that would have caused the whole forum to have wanted me banned. And again I don't think I am that hated, and even if I am, is it really a big deal? It is an internet forum. I am not going to hang out with these guys or you and I certainly don't want to make this forum a popularity contest like you seem to always do by trying to put other posters thoughts down without discussion.
Listen, if there's one thing I've learned it's that Omni will not fucking drop anything just because it's pointless or she's wrong or any reason at all, really. What she will do is leave a little condescending comment about how she's too mature for this argument, then keep arguing.
Yeah, just give it a few more posts and we will have a reply about why I am just a "internet-hipster-faux-black-metal- loving-interpol-fanboy" and am not worth her supreme time.
I'm pretty sure that telling somebody that they're stupid for following you around on a forum posting "Irony alert!" after your posts when there's nothing ironic about them isn't trolling.
I'm pretty sure that telling somebody that they're stupid for following you around on a forum posting "Irony alert!" after your posts when there's nothing ironic about them isn't trolling.

See my post up above. Watching you slap alter is nearly as fun as watching him slap you back.
hm, my favorite Death albums are 'Human' and 'TSoP'...


I'll agree the vocals could be better on the latter, but the production could be better on the former. I think I just find the most enjoyment in Chuck's stuff when he stretched out a little. I don't think anything on either of those is wank/pointless. Maybe the Priest cover, that's not very good. If you want something that goes nowhere composition (and melody) wise then you need to be checking out the Control Denied stuff.