Controversial opinions on metal

How is it trolling if you said "Irony Alert" for no real reason considering I have been a rather controlled poster? How have I been a bad poster as of late in your eyes? I posted "Irony Alert" after you did it to me; I see you more as a ironic and worthless poster for pointing out my "Irony Alerts." You are obviously much too obsessed with preserving your internet popularity.
Brave New World, Number of the Beast, Seventh Son, Killers, are all better than Somewhere in Time.

Piece of mind has great tracks but yeah, it's half filler.
Powerslave is definitely top 5 for me. SIT is the most epic and most awesome album Maiden has ever done. It is the epitome of what Maiden stands for: hard rocking, kick ass epic heavy metal.

Top 5:

Dance of Death