Controversial opinions on metal

In terms of that particular type of prog metal, Pagan's Mind is my absolute favorite by a very long way. Excellent, rich, engaging songwriting, and the band chemistry that you can hear on the records reminds me very much of the way you can hear old Queensrÿche meld their sound as individual musicians.
Pagan's Mind is pretty good, but when I'm looking for prog metal that's more or less paint-by-numbers but well done I usually go for Vanden Plas. They have some great melodies and solid riffs.

Symphony X are the kind of band you love when you first hear them and then get bored with after three months. I went through that phase about three years ago, and as a result I have nearly their entire disco that I rarely listen to sitting on my shelf. V is far and away their best, so get that one if you're looking for something by them. The Divine Wings of Tragedy has two amazing epics (title track and Accolade) and a lot of generic SymX rockers. The Odyssey is hugely overrated and basically a worse version of TDWOT with awful production, so I don't recommend it. Paradise Lost is fine if you just want well-done power/progressive metal without much originality, and Twilight in Olympus is good if you need more SX but not something you really need otherwise. The first two albums aren't all that good and the live album has unlistenable production, so avoid them.
The Odyssey is hugely overrated and basically a worse version of TDWOT with awful production
These are the two I have and I absolutely agree with this.
Divine Wings is a good album. Images and Words is solid as well.

BTW for people who ejaculate to Symphony X, Shadow Image are a fairly accurate clone band.
Symphony X is better than the majority of the fucking gay contemporary faggot flower metal bands talked about in the power metal thread and I don't really think much of their music.
Symphony X is a 'once in a while' type of group. You enjoy their stuff 'once in a while', but anymore than that and you tend to forget songs

Yes, I agree with this. I still pick up one of their cd's from time to time and can enjoy it for the moment. A huge part of that is Russel Allen. His vocals are among the best Ive heard for this kind of music. I think he has gotten better over the years for sure.
Last couple threads I read, people highly considering new dark age from solstice, anyone else think the production is just to clean? Lamentations is just so much better imo
The production is obviously a step up from Lamentations, but I don't think "clean" is the right way to describe it. It fits the music perfectly and to be honest, I think a rawer production style would definitely be detrimental.
I listened to some Solstice on their myspace and it sounded fucking awesome. Production on the New Dark Age stuff sounded clean but not too clean. Haven't heard anything off Lamentations so I can't compare.

Synergy are an underrated band who get a lot of rub-off hate from COB.
I want the next Burzum album to be digital, similar to Hliðskjálf. It would be great to hear if he can develope this style even further. Most people don't know how damn good that album is imo, I think many people got turned off by Dauði Baldrs and just skipped it. This electronic style would really be something fresh if Varg continued on it I think.
I've never heard !T.O.O.H!, but it sounds unlikely that it would be better. Elvenefris has a magical quality that I have never heard in any other death metal. In fact, it is my single favourite death metal album ever, and that would be my controversial opinion...