Controversial opinions on metal

I never much cared for any of the classic metal bands. They just don't have what I want out of metal. I think my attitude towards them is, as Dodens said a while back, "disinterested".

didn't Deron threaten to ban me for not liking most classic metal? if he would've done that, he'd be a hypocrite and likely playing favorites.
holy shit, me and ohio had a high-five moment. Only Omni and Dodens left I think. The odds are low but hey, stranger things have happened.

Edit: Yeah, using ignore is pretty ignorant.

Ha@ignore=ignorance. I got ignored for trying to politely argue my opinion. Because I don't like a band that you're 'supposed' to like. Mmmm...sheeple.
Sorry, Halford's vocals are superior as is JP's music. Judas Priest's music has much more diversity to boot.

fa sho

I'm not disagreeing with you. I am just saying the vocal styles are similar

No way man. Aside from Halford shitting all over Dickinson's face, their vocal style isn't as similar as you are making it out to be.
Page cleaned.

So listen guys, I am about to hand down some perma bans, I don't care how long you've been here, etc. - I'm done giving some of you chances.

Get your shit together, learn how to use the ignore feature if someone annoys you so much you can't control your verbal diarrhea, else deal with the perma ban (and any subsequent user you try to come back as).