Controversial opinions on metal

Controversial? Maybe not but here's some of mine.
My main gripe being that lyrically I find thousands of metal bands pretty abject. Satanist/Anti-Christian lyrics and so on don't interest me. There's thousands of bands trawling out the same stuff and it's just clichéd drivel for me.

Another one, metalcore gets a pretty bad rep but there's very few "awful" metalcore groups.

Oh and I despise bands who use the death growl at the most ridiculous times - e.g. using it during an acoustic, melancholic part. Why spoil the atmosphere?
It can be a useful contrast to have death vocals over quiet sections/acoustic parts. You wouldn't say, why are they clean singing over a big riff? Why ruin the mosh?

For reference : The evil vocals in "By the Pain I see in Others" by Opeth. Quite effective imo.
Metal is cheesy and theatrical by default, whether it'd be bands singing about fairies and unicorns or spewing forth anti-Christian propaganda. Everything is exaggerated somewhat to add shock value, create an unholy aura you name it, but it's simply done to create a fitting image for the music.
Metal is cheesy and theatrical by default, whether it'd be bands singing about fairies and unicorns or spewing forth anti-Christian propaganda. Everything is exaggerated somewhat to add shock value, create an unholy aura you name it, but it's simply done to create a fitting image for the music.

I can't really argue with that. But I don't think that makes it artistically any better if you understand me.

I mean, some Christian Rock bands get an awful reputation and consequently some of the good ones are lumped into that category, regardless of songwriting quality.

I prefer the bands that are subtle about it anyway.
Jesus is just alright with me, Jesus is just alright oh yeah
Jesus is just alright with me, Jesus is just alright

Oh yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaah
I can't really argue with that. But I don't think that makes it artistically any better if you understand me.

I mean, some Christian Rock bands get an awful reputation and consequently some of the good ones are lumped into that category, regardless of songwriting quality.

I prefer the bands that are subtle about it anyway.
Artistic value is in the eye of of the beholder, or in this case the ear of the listener.Songwriting quality is also a dubiously defined term, and while it can be rationalized and explained, it cannot be made into a standard by which music may be assessed objectively.
I'm tempted to post some Hillsong United, just to show that some Christian bands are capable of playing some good atmospheric stuff.

Christian metal is pretty bad though.
I think the only christian stuff that I have heard and liked is Extol.
Then again I can't say that I have ever explored christian metal.
Well I listened to an album by Horde once, and as much of a joke as "unblack metal" is, it was pretty well done.
"unblack metal" :lol: Honestly I think it would have been better for their image if they just labled it christian extreme metal.

The whole "look we can be cool too" feeling that christian bands give off ruins the music for me.
Believer is fucking awesome, and if Realm and Trouble count as Christian bands then they can also be added to the list of great Christian metal.

Not much great stuff outside of those, though.
*BUMP* for Believer

Also *BUMP* for Ultimatum.

Also, any existing Christian Black Metal that is good. Never heard of any (I don't think).