Houses Ov Mercury
Black metal's anti-Christian sentiments aren't directed towards Christians in metal only. Christians are still a large denomination when it comes to, you know, humanity.
How on earth this quote is at all false I have no idea. I'm glad to know I crack you up. Do you always laugh at true statements? Do you really think that the majority of metal fans are Christian? No. I didn't think so.
Go patronise someone else for goodness sake. :Smug:
Black metal's anti-Christian sentiments aren't directed towards Christians in metal only. Christians are still a large denomination when it comes to, you know, humanity.
Why isn't there anti-Islamic BM, I wonder. It's always Jews this and Christians that, borrring! What about Muslims? Are they Satan's spawn, or what? What has made them so immune to the rebellious ideology of Black Metal?
Geez. You didn't think I meant that Christians are a minority overall?Fair enough.
I should probably reiterate. I don't have a problem with bands who have a dislike of organised religion really... I dislike the power of the Catholic church for example. However I naturally dislike bands that attack my personal faith.
Why isn't there anti-Islamic BM, I wonder. It's always Jews this and Christians that, borrring! What about Muslims? Are they Satan's spawn, or what? What has made them so immune to the rebellious ideology of Black Metal?
Take this post with a grain of salt.
So, basically, your complaint is that they make you feel socially insecure?
Being upset because people (in person or on a record, it doesn't matter) fail to agree with your personal beliefs is always about social insecurity. You don't dislike 'Satanic' lyrics because they're 'bad' or not 'thoughtful,' you dislike them because they fail to validate you for what you believe. That's a social objection, not a logical one.
Being upset because people (in person or on a record, it doesn't matter) fail to agree with your personal beliefs is always about social insecurity. You don't dislike 'Satanic' lyrics because they're 'bad' or not 'thoughtful,' you dislike them because they fail to validate you for what you believe. That's a social objection, not a logical one.
True, but the lyrics in question are also generally thoughtless and poorly written, which I'm sure plays a part.
I believe in and have faith in Jesus Christ. So when a band goes out the way to sing lyrics about how Jesus Christ and all his followers are going to be devoured by Satan bladebla, I naturally am not too fond of it. Not to mention I think it's absolute gibberish.
I like well-written, thoughtful lyrics, regardless of whether they're spiritual or not.
Getting annoyed by bands burning down model churches on stage isn't just a "social objection" surely.
It's all just shock tactics - most these bands aren't real "Satanists" (unless they really are bat-shit crazy), they just want to cause a stir. You can't be a satanist and an atheist too is my philosophy.
Although worshipping the enemy of god version of Satan is pretty stupid...