Controversial opinions on metal

I always feel like I'm one of the very few on this forum who likes CoF. I just don't really get the hate for them, sure they aren't "true" but whatever. I enjoy most of their works that I've heard excepting the majority of Thornography.
I think that Agalloch is a very overrated band. Or should I say, not at all without points, but way too "hit and miss" to be valued so highly by so many people. Every now and then their songs just drag on in what feels like circles, and often their attempts at creating atmosphere just give me a feeling of listening to muzak, elevator music, since there's no real drive to get me from point A to point B. It's a really tricky thing to create a lingering atmosphere that still feels organic and changing, like a continous journey.
I can see the justification for that criticism in Pale Folklore to some extent, even though I still love the album, and perhaps also with the instrumentals on The Mantle. I think Ashes Against the Grain is an untouchable masterpiece though. Everything flows with such purpose.
I always feel like I'm one of the very few on this forum who likes CoF. I just don't really get the hate for them, sure they aren't "true" but whatever. I enjoy most of their works that I've heard excepting the majority of Thornography.
As WCannibal so eloquently put it they are gay. I can understand liking them but they obviously super gay. I wish there was a better way to describe the kind of over the top, keyboard laden, goofy sound that CoF exemplify but "gay" is the best the metal community has come up with.
How can you possibly listen to this faggot without feeling ashamed?
How can you possibly listen to this faggot without feeling ashamed?

I don't believe that you should dislike a band because of what the members look like, thats being gay. Although I agree that COF are complete bullshit.

One day Celesty shall be known for there outstanding discography, every album just as good as the next. One of the best power metal bands.

HammerFall = Shit, besides a few songs.

Also, Ruination is a pretty good tech death album.