Controversial opinions on metal

I think that they're both about equally good, although I didn't really start to listen to death metal until way after I started listening to black metal.
DM > BM. Even average DM can get the testosterone pumping in overdrive. The majority of BM just makes me wish I was listening to DM instead.
A genre that hinges on "epicness" to impress is bound to fail miserably the majority of the time, which BM does imo. Probably explains why I like very little raw BM, but plenty of genre mixing bands incorporating BM.
I wouldn't say BM is epic, that would be more of a thing to describe Power Metal

BM is atmospheric IMO
Atmosphere can achieve epicness.

IMO Blut Aus Nord have proven this.

Shitty BM > Shitty DM

I've found most death metal to be extremely boring unless mixed with somthing else.
It has a depressing effect on me because of its boringness.
Shitty DM > Shitty BM

I've found most black metal to be extremely boring unless mixed with somthing else.
It has a boring effect on me because of its boringness.
Sometimes I cant even come up with why black metal's vocals sound the way they do, or Death metal's vocals do. Did someone one day just think it was a good idea and it caught on? I'd like to know the evolution of those vocal styles.

The vocals really set the style I think, without em it'd just be metal
I love death metal with an evil feel, but I think technicality has a place in that. Nile's In Their Darkened Shrines, Vital Remains' Dechristianize, and Behemoth's The Apostasy are all quite technical but have great atmosphere.

I don't really like Morbid Angel(they're okay, I guess) and most really rudimentary death metal- Obituary, Morpheus Descends, Deicide. The same I can say about hypertechnical DM like Massacra, Cryptopsy, Crimson Massacre, Demilich and At the Gates.The kind of stuff where everything seems to be simply spliced together and fuckfed through a trebly, spikey mix. Just not my thing.
Also, a gazillion of tempo changes and random fills per minute is definitely a major turn-off. Even Atheist sometimes bore the beejesus out of me.

Ambient drumming is always preferable to erratic, overblown drumming.