Controversial opinions on metal

Actually, in power metal I generally prefer keyboards to real orchestras. Dunno why. I tend to like non-symphonic European power metal that lacks polished production, and cheap keyboards help with that sound.

Haha, so you must vomit uncontrollably when someone puts Rhapsody of Fire on :D

Summoning does an okay job but they'd probably be cooler with some organic instruments too.

I guess my complaining is mainly reserved for songs where the orchestral/synth sounds are the primary focus, and part of that is fueled by my desire to feel like I'm not obsolete and could find work in the "metal violin" field someday.

Synths and cheap keyboards for atmosphere are fantastic. I wouldn't like my dumb "winter" bands like Vordven and Sorcier des Glaces any better or worse if they used real instruments.
Haha, so you must vomit uncontrollably when someone puts Rhapsody of Fire on :D

Nah, they really got a hell of a lot better when they moved up to real orchestras. But I think they're the only band I've heard use a full orchestra to great effect. With other bands it tends to be "sweet, we have an orchestra. Now our keyboardist doesn't have to do anything" rather than "let's carefully craft our songs to make full use of the orchestra and make it an integral part of our sound."
Balls to Brave New World.

Your face is balls

Somewhere in time is a great album.

Their best album
People who ignore Painkiller and Defenders of the Faith so they can say Priest aren't metal or aren't as metal as Maiden are complete fucktards who need to find a different genre of music to listen to.

Painkiller is fucking gay. Defenders of the Faith is definitely NOT gay
Whether or not you like either of those albums isn't the point. It's just how metal / aggressive some of the stuff on them is compared to Livin after midnight etc.
I like classic death metal a little more than classic black metal and modern bm a little more than modern bm I guess. That statement mostly being based on the fact that I listen to stuff like Altars of Madness, Onward to Golgotha, and Dawn of Possession more when listening to death metal and stuff like SMRC or Fourth Reich more with black metal.

I like classic death metal and do not care much for classic black metal or modern black metal. I've tried to force myself to like it because UM, but generally black metal does nothing for me. I've tried to figure out and understand the infatuation. I really like celtic frost. One of my favorite bands who happens to be black/death/thrash metal. They're at this point the only 'black metal' band that I find interesting.
aside from King Diamond/Mercyful Fate, the entire problem is both bands along with Celtic Frost are so beyond any black metal bands that there's no point in listening to anything else.
defenders of the faith is REALLY gay. it's like the gayest album ever. it's also really cool but that's kind of beside the point. holy shit it is so gay.
it's like the gayest album ever.


First TWO Maiden albums are, soundwise, excellent but songwriting-wise sometimes rather dull whereas there is some post-70s Priest that kicks absolute ass, so I'm not inclined to agree.