Controversial opinions on metal

It's the one with the best pacing despite some filler.

As for MOP, it does tend to bore me sometimes especially if I don't intentionally blast the shit out of it.
Anotherincompetent debate on who has right when its all really matter of individual opinion :p

Megadeth is better than Metallica! Why? Because I said so! :D

Going back on topic Im not sure this is controversial but even if I like the debut albums of the thrash bands of the 80's I think they are clearly worse than what was to come. This is the way with most of the original thrashers:

Metallica: KEA < RTL/MOP/AJFA
Anthrax: FOM < STD/ATL
Testament: L < TNO/SOB

Yea, I know difference of opinion and all, but you feel the same way about Dimmu Borgir as well.
I guess Metallica sold out with Master of Puppets.:zombie:
You know, due to big sales and the album's immense popularity. :erk:

Dimmu Borgir sucks. One of the worst non-metalcore bands out there. Using them as a comparison for anything doesn't do you any favors.

As far as Metallica, there are a few songs I like on each album up through Reload. I just don't enjoy anything after RtL as a whole, whereas with Megadeth I can enjoy most of their albums before Risk.

and for the record, I'd say AJFA is almost as bad as The Black Album.
Master of Puppets is one great album out of a catalog of mediocrity (at best) and unlistenable drivel (at worst).
Here's how I rate Metallica's albums/EP's on a scale of 1 - 10:
KEA: 7
RTL: 4
MOP: 8
AJA: 6
S/T: 5
Load: 3
Reload: 2
GI: 3
St. A: 4
DM: 5

However, I'd give RIP and Peace Sells an 8 each, so that alone puts Megadeth on pace to destroy Metallica on the 1 - 10 scale.
Ruthless relativism at its finest. Much like The Ozzman's way of rating-- respect! You disregard cult status and go straight to the "do I enjoy the music" factor. Good for you.
Dimmu Borgir sucks. One of the worst non-metalcore bands out there. Using them as a comparison for anything doesn't do you any favors.

As far as Metallica, there are a few songs I like on each album up through Reload. I just don't enjoy anything after RtL as a whole, whereas with Megadeth I can enjoy most of their albums before Risk.

and for the record, I'd say AJFA is almost as bad as The Black Album.

:erk: Well, at least you're honest. But I think you're not hearing the rich harmony on AJFA. It's nowhere as overwrought as the Black Album, imo. Whatever. We'll agree to disagree. Regardless, I enjoy their first five albums almost equally.