Controversial opinions on metal

:lol: I think he was commenting on how you gave RTL and SA the same rating when the former is one of the greatest metal albums of all time and the latter is a pile of rubbish.

<Saparmurat_Niyazov>I wouldn't call Ride the Lightning a complete pile of rubbish; I gave it a four after all.</Saparmurat_Niyazov>

EDIT: Your inclusion of former and latter ruins my joke. :(
1. Ride the Lightning - more mature than the debut, but still intense, melodic and a majestic, atmospheric production.
2. Kill 'Em All - most energetic, youthfully thrashy, and great riffs
3. Master of Puppets - too mature, worse production that RTL, but still great songwriting and melodies.
4. And Justice For All - too technical, terribly thin production, but some great songs.
5. Everything else - downhill fast...
1. Ride the Lightning - more mature than the debut, but still intense, melodic and a majestic, atmospheric production.
2. Kill 'Em All - most energetic, youthfully thrashy, and great riffs
3. Master of Puppets - too mature, worse production that RTL, but still great songwriting and melodies.
4. And Justice For All - too technical, terribly thin production, but some great songs.
5. Everything else - downhill fast...

1. MoP- Flawless.
2. RTL- Near Flawless
3. AJFA- Thin production and a bit too 'much' at times but still amazing.
4. KEM- Some great songs but too immature to be higher than #4.
5. S/T- Very commercial but still has some great tunes.
6. The Rest- UGH!
Hamburger Boy: you're held liable for making that analogy/ comparison.(not really) Now I have a new album to check out.:kickass:
AJFA has the one of best productions of any metal album that I've heard.
1. MoP- Flawless.
2. RTL- Near Flawless
3. AJFA- Thin production and a bit too 'much' at times but still amazing.
4. KEM- Some great songs but too immature to be higher than #4.
5. S/T- Very commercial but still has some great tunes.
6. The Rest- UGH!

Calling something "flawless" or "immature" doesn't tell me anything convincing.
Calling something "flawless" doesn't tell me anything, nor does calling something "immature" tell me anything beyond the fact that it's the first album and they're young.

OK... well I wasn't aware we were writing indepth analyses' of these albums. :p
'Immature' as in very silly and cheesy. 'We'll never stop we'll never quit cuz we're Metallica!!!' :lol:
'Flawless' as in non-stop killer riffs and arrangements, great sound, performance, the album feels perfectly balanced, et al.
the fact that you make it a 4, the same as St Anger is a disgrace. Didnt you have a bloodbath shirt on? go be gay somewhere else faggot, this board doesnt need more like you
Damage Inc has always sounded fillery to me, even when I listened to Master of Puppets all day every day as a metal fetus. The bass intro sounds tacked onto after the awesomeness of the instrumental preceding it, the whispered chorus kind of ruins the pure-rager affect I assume they were going for, and it really doesn't belong as a closer. The eight minute songs are absolute classics, but it's still not a perfectly consistent masterpiece.

EDIT: IRT Thoth.