Controversial opinions on metal

Cannibal Corpse is definitely one of my favorite death metal bands. I don't care for Bodom or Bloodbath much; they are rather boring to me.
Yeah not a Bodom fan. Power metal with really poor harsh vocals. I don't like power metal to begin with, don't want some power metal band trying to make death metal.
Maybe I haven't gotten 'non-obvious' enough in my thrash explorations, but I can't think of a single non-Metallica/Megadeth/Slayer thrash album that comes close to topping what Metallica, Megadeth or Slayer did imo. Closest thing would be Death Angel, but I still consider them inferior.

I value Anthrax "among the living" up there with those bands. Actually I was never a big fan of Slayer (great live but I never listen to them unless its live). I also think Testaments "the new order" is really solid.
You are correct. Personally, I dislike roughly 90% of all the occult stuff that is promoted on this board. For me to properly enjoy a piece of music I need to understand its flow. If it doesn't flow well, in my perception, then it sucks. Even if it means that I enjoy such straightforward stuff like Nightwish. Beats all overwrought and dissonant death metal as far as I'm concerned. I don't care about the amount of riffs, leads or breakdowns, or how heavy or technical it is. In fact, I can't stand most tech metal.

Gone are the days when I had to pretend liking some overblown death metal obscurity just to prove my manliness, or whatever the fuck it is that liking these things measures.

Yeah, its important to not let others be the judge of ones own musical taste. I know all to well how some people like something just because it gives them cred in certain circles.

Now I can appreciate tech-death (I love Obscura for one) but also appreciate stuff that are very straight forward (Machine Head) and stuff thats cheesy (Manowar). And on top of that I love all kinds of different music - jazz (esbjörn svensson trio), country (garth brooks), pop (beatles), opera (die zaubflöte), folk (rome), fusion (mahavishnu orchestra), scores (the fountain) etc.

I don't like Edge of Sanity. Especially their single track album. I've never made it to the end of Crimson.:lol:

I think Edge of Sanity is very much up and down but man the first "Crimson" album is one of those that is just solid as hell through and through. I can see why people cant care much about "spectral sorrows" or some of the other albums but I think "Crimson" is ace! I do not however appreciate its follow up "Crimson II". That one I never made it through. Some part of it is the awful poduction.
Mind you, Obscura I get. It's in fact amazingly fluent at times in terms of rhythmic momentum. I pretty much overdosed on this album at one time. But I don't like the vocals, and it's just so grating, and often needlessly mathematical.
I think my distaste for Crimson comes from the fact that I don't like single track albums that much. There is some good musicianship on display, but the transitions are pretty patchy, imo.
Edge of Sanity was for sure a band that couldnt seed out the bad from the good. This is how I rate the albums I have:

Crimson II - Never made it through tis one. Bad production and there is just something about it, cant recognize what, that always makes me press the stop button after just a few minutes.

Spectral sorrows and purgatory afterglow are alright. Both have some awesome stuff but also to much filler. I rarely listen to these albums but they do have good material on them.

Infernal - I have a special relation to this one. Its one of the more extreme metal records I liked and it has a special place in my heart. Most song on here are different frome achother and you can hear that the band wasnt a cohesive unit recording it. Still I like pretty much everything on here especially the groovy and melodic tracks.

Crimson - a masterpiece. I really like this one through and through. Basically solid as hell combining so many different elements and everything just works.

So for me its basically two album out of the 5 I have listened to that I think are worthwhile to check out. I do realize that my opinion on "infernal" may be controversial. Many seem to think its one of EoS's weaker albums :p
Even with all our disagreements, you are correct. Personally, I dislike roughly 90% of all the occult stuff that is promoted on this board. For me to properly enjoy a piece of music I need to understand its flow. If it doesn't flow well, in my perception, then it sucks. Even if it means that I enjoy such straightforward stuff like Nightwish. Beats all overwrought and dissonant death metal as far as I'm concerned. I don't care about the amount of riffs, leads or breakdowns, or how heavy or technical it is. In fact, I can't stand most tech metal.

Gone are the days when I had to pretend liking some overblown death metal obscurity just to prove my manliness, or whatever the fuck it is that liking these things measures.

God, will you shut the fuck up? When is it going to be beaten into your head that people like bands based on the quality of the music? Has it ever occurred to you that some of us may actually enjoy the music of some of these so-called "elitist" bands? NO ONE with any respectable musical opinions listen to bands based on popularity or cult status. You've been saying this for like ten pages now and people have repeatedly given you reasons why they don't like Dimmu Borgir, Nightwish, etc. Why don't you just listen to those bands and stop being such an insecure cunt?
You are all goddamn wrong!!

Bloodbath's first album RTC had a couple of good songs, otherwise very so-so

Bloodbath's second was great because it had the one and only Dan Swanö on guitar instead of drums, so we got some great Edge of Sanity-ish riffs with some great vocals from Peter Tägtgren ...personally I can listen to "Eaten" anytime because it's like cheesy but satisfying DM at its finest.

Now their third album kind of ventures in the same area as their first, some good songs, some very meeeeh...over all so-so

Not saying Bloodbath is a great band, but they are listenable and have some good songs under their belt...if only they had kept the line-up they had in their second album they could've gone to make something truly great..

Wow, that pretty much reflects my sentiments on this issue. Not exactly innovative or the most solid band out there, but to call it bland and uninspired is a little lame to be honest. Not that it should play a big role, but that's one of the neatest side-projects I've come across. I can only imagine how amazing they could've been if they all stuck together [Nightmares.. album line-up]. Maybe because I haven't seen too many quality DM live releases, but I found Wacken Carnage awesome.
I dunno. No reason. Could be that I first heard Infernal and liked it and then heard Crimson and loved it. Then I bought the three other records and were dissapointed. Maybe I didnt really feel like checking out the rest.

You probably wouldn't really like them since you're on the fence with Spectral Sorrows and Purgatory Afterglow, so maybe you're right in not checking them out.
God, will you shut the fuck up? When is it going to be beaten into your head that people like bands based on the quality of the music? Has it ever occurred to you that some of us may actually enjoy the music of some of these so-called "elitist" bands? NO ONE with any respectable musical opinions listen to bands based on popularity or cult status. You've been saying this for like ten pages now and people have repeatedly given you reasons why they don't like Dimmu Borgir, Nightwish, etc. Why don't you just listen to those bands and stop being such an insecure cunt?

So basically you're saying the same things about bands that are obscure that DarkBliss and I are saying about the more "mainstream" acts. Of course quality is not based on popularity, how fucking stupid do you think we are? Besides, to deny that some metal "nerds" put down bands based solely on their popularity is displaying total ignorance. I can't count how many times I've heard some self-righteous twat say something like "I used to like Emperor, but they're too popular now, so I'd rather listen to Ophthalamia."
Have you ever considered that the things that make bands popular may also make some people dislike them? Think of it as pop music vs. obscure music, but contained within the context of metal. I'm sure there's some pop music that you don't like because of things the artist did to gain mass appeal. It's not that you dislike popularity per se, just the elements that makes thing popular.

I'll use Emperor as an example. I'm not really a fan of them because of their complex arrangements and (in my opinion) overblown theatrics. I prefer simpler, more monotonous black metal. I think Emperor (and other symphonic BM bands) are popular because of those things I just mentioned. I don't like the things that make them popular, but in the end it has to do with the music not the popularity.

I do like plenty of popular metal, but I don't feel the need to justify myself by dismissing other people's dislike of those bands as baseless.
God, will you shut the fuck up? When is it going to be beaten into your head that people like bands based on the quality of the music? Has it ever occurred to you that some of us may actually enjoy the music of some of these so-called "elitist" bands? NO ONE with any respectable musical opinions listen to bands based on popularity or cult status. You've been saying this for like ten pages now and people have repeatedly given you reasons why they don't like Dimmu Borgir, Nightwish, etc. Why don't you just listen to those bands and stop being such an insecure cunt?
First of all my pseudo-analytical critique shouldn't be taken at face value. So what if I like to explain why I favor one band and not another. This shouldn't affect your enjoyment of the music that I find distasteful.
And why are you attacking me? I was responding to someone else. And how does that show my insecurity? If anything, your retort to my post is sign of the former. But let's cease this bickering; it's circular and won't lead anywhere.
I might come off as really condescending on these forums despite allusions to the contrary, or my distaste for condescension in general, but I'm just a guy in search of his own path in music. There are certain aesthetic properties that appeal to me and I'm trying to find more music in the same vein.