Controversial opinions on metal

I'll use Emperor as an example. I'm not really a fan of them because of their complex arrangements and (in my opinion) overblown theatrics. I prefer simpler, more monotonous black metal. I think Emperor (and other symphonic BM bands) are popular because of those things I just mentioned. I don't like the things that make them popular, but in the end it has to do with the music not the popularity.

I realize that Emperor might be considered popular in the metal community; but if that's the case, then a band such as Darkthrone enjoys about the same height of popularity, I would say. I doubt you'll find very many people who listen to Emperor who haven't at least heard of and know some songs by Darkthrone. Both bands perform different styles of black metal, but each band enjoys its own brand of popularity and its own fanbase.
But then, what is one voice of dissent amidst an ocean of praise?

Just turn off your monitor, and voila-a whole hub full of pompous self-righteous and virtual baboons ceases to exist.
I realize that Emperor might be considered popular in the metal community; but if that's the case, then a band such as Darkthrone enjoys about the same height of popularity, I would say. I doubt you'll find very many people who listen to Emperor who haven't at least heard of and know some songs by Darkthrone. Both bands performs different styles of black metal, but each band enjoys its own brand of popularity and its own fanbase.
I agree with you. I used Emperor as an example because they are relatively popular and Sapuramat had mentioned them. My point was that the type of music that Emperor (or Darkthrone, or Slayer, or Carcass, or Death, or any number of well known metal bands) both makes them popular but can also turn people away. This is not because those people dislike popular bands, it's that they dislike the musical elements that make those bands popular. I connected it with pop music because I think as metalheads we can all understand having a minority taste in music. Some people have a minority taste in metal.
One can dislike Death for various reasons: Chuck's generally grating vocals, the band's excessive technicality, etc, but "being a covert Christian who died of AIDS" shouldn't be one of them.
I don't think my opinions are that controversial when it comes to metal.

That said, I did get some shit here awhile ago for liking the politically-minded lyrics of Buried Inside and bitching about the overfocus of religion in metal (a position which I still largely hold).
Have you ever considered that the things that make bands popular may also make some people dislike them? Think of it as pop music vs. obscure music, but contained within the context of metal. I'm sure there's some pop music that you don't like because of things the artist did to gain mass appeal. It's not that you dislike popularity per se, just the elements that makes thing popular.

I'll use Emperor as an example. I'm not really a fan of them because of their complex arrangements and (in my opinion) overblown theatrics. I prefer simpler, more monotonous black metal. I think Emperor (and other symphonic BM bands) are popular because of those things I just mentioned. I don't like the things that make them popular, but in the end it has to do with the music not the popularity.

I do like plenty of popular metal, but I don't feel the need to justify myself by dismissing other people's dislike of those bands as baseless.

Most (possibly the only) intelligent comment on this page.
So basically you're saying the same things about bands that are obscure that DarkBliss and I are saying about the more "mainstream" acts. Of course quality is not based on popularity, how fucking stupid do you think we are? Besides, to deny that some metal "nerds" put down bands based solely on their popularity is displaying total ignorance. I can't count how many times I've heard some self-righteous twat say something like "I used to like Emperor, but they're too popular now, so I'd rather listen to Ophthalamia."

DarkBliss has said countless times that people have absolutely no reason to dislike Dimmu Borgir other than the fact that they're popular (even after me and other members gave legitimate reasons why we don't like the band). There is seriously no one that I would care to talk to that judges music like that and I find it to be a stupid elitist stereotype anyway.

I still like Emperor. In the Nightside Eclipse is a damn good album but, popularity aside, everything that follows sucks imo. I'm not going to stop liking the material of a band that I initially liked because their latter material sucks. I seriously can't think of an example of a person that actually does that.
I'm sorry, I can't let go of this.
I didn't find these reasons legitimate in the slightest.They weren't in any way analytical or honest. But whatever.
When referring to Dimmu Borgir, you said something like: "I'd rather listen to Candlemass than keys 'chugga chugga chugga, keys."
I guess you don't like Summoning much? And Necromantia's second album isn't overly theatrical? You don't hear how aesthetically similar it is to some of Dimmu's works? Clean vocals and guitar pyrotechnics wrapped up in a buzzier, more lo-fi production.
Have you listened to any black metal outside of Dimmu Borgir? They are atrociously over-operatic and use the whole idea as a gimmick so there is little to no black metal left in their music. I would say they are an image-heavy superficial bastardization of the aesthetics of black metal and they've pretty much always been that way. The image and gimmicky musical aspect just got progressively worse with each album. There really is no mystery why seasoned black metal fans dislike them.


Fuck it, why do I have to explain to you why I don't like a band? The fact that I like early Slayer, Metallica, Judas Priest, and Iron Maiden among other popular metal bands should be more than enough reason why your point is moot.
Yeah, since you know exactly why I listen to certain bands. Fuck off you miserable cunt.

Either way, they're still popular bands. There's no way to make a consistant point about popularity in regards to how people judge "quality," period.