Controversial opinions on metal

Why are you getting so upset? That's just my opinion alone. Geez:lol:
Either way, it's fine; listen to what you want for whatever reasons you want. Fuck it, arguing this is futile. But seeing how I manage to get some of you upset may suggest that there is a grain of truth in all my ramblings.
I'm sorry, I can't let go of this.
I didn't find these reasons legitimate in the slightest.They weren't in any way analytical or honest. But whatever.
When referring to Dimmu Borgir, you said something like: "I'd rather listen to Candlemass than keys 'chugga chugga chugga, keys."
I guess you don't like Summoning much? And Necromantia's second album isn't overly theatrical? You don't hear how aesthetically similar it is to some of Dimmu's works? Clean vocals and guitar pyrotechnics wrapped up in a buzzier, more lo-fi production.

I have to disagree on the comparison to Summoning. While both bands exhibit symphonic tendencies, their style of playing is inherently different.
Whatever, it's still fairytale synth arrangements propelled by ambient drumming. As dark and intimidating as Nightwish.

You should check out Necromantia's Scarlet Evil Witching Black.
I can't believe you're still pursuing this utterly pointless shit. You concede that the argument is futile yet you're bringing it up time and time again. Entertaining enough to watch though!

One more thing, explain to me how Necromantia's Scarlet Evil Witching Black is in any way similar to the works of Dimmu Borgir, Nightwish, or even Summoning for that matter?
Listen to Necromantia's SEWB and then Dimmu's PEM. They're pretty similar aesthetically. The former has a more necrotic, buzzy production; it's still suffocated by manic drumming, features clean vocals(Spiritdance, and that interlude), swirling dramatic keyboards and guitar(okay, bass) pyrotechnics. The only difference is that PEM is more overproduced but lets the guitars breathe in between the blasting sections with more accent on harmony and dynamics. It is brought down by processed vocals, though, and some industrial segments, but that's a minor flaw as I see it.
Touche :erk:

Actually, the fact that you enjoy both means that you find both aesthetically pleasant. From this follows that you're an unbiased individual. Good for you.

That's not exactly what I intended to show. Oh well...

All I wanted was for some of you to open up and embrace the fact that some of what you dislike is at times aesthetically similar to what you glorify.Why?? Why not? Why blindly dismiss everything mainstream as inferior? But whatever; we've been through this before, and I have failed again, it seems. Even likely allies won't take my side on this. Maybe my ears are not as trustworthy as they used to be, or maybe Zephyrus doesn't want to upset the balance as much as I do. Regardless of the reason, I give up.
Controversial opinion: Overuse of Marduk/Dark Funeral/1349-style riffing seems to be becoming black metal's equivalent to death metal bands overusing At the Gates-style riffing.
I can't believe you're still pursuing this utterly pointless shit. You concede that the argument is futile yet you're bringing it up time and time again. Entertaining enough to watch though!

I know. Isn't it?:lol:
Whatever, man. I'm here to entertain. I'm itching for another long ass essay, but it's late already.
Another controversial opinion: Pantera rules. They weren't "woe is me" music; they were "woe is anyone who fucks with me" music.
Yeah you'll be surprised at the amount of Pantera hate in these forums...I personally think they are great when the time is right, it's good for working out or if I'm going out to some club I might put Vulgar Display on or something to get in the mood.
I liked Pantera until I was exposed to much heavier music, better solos, and better guitar tone. Then it just sounds like some rednecks trying too hard.

Except Cowboys from Hell still kicks ass of course.