zabu of nΩd
Free Insultation
- Feb 9, 2007
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Of course, man. Sometimes I just enjoy the attention. As long as it entertains someone or stimulates a healthy debate, I'm all up for it. Of course, no healthy debate has commenced yet, but I honestly don't know why I was even expecting one.
Not to be condescending, but what do you expect when you continually insist that everybody that likes Necromantia but not Dimmu Borgir feels that way only because Dimmu Borgir is relatively popular in comparison to the former? Also, describing Necromantia, Dimmu Borgir, and Summoning all as "aesthetically similar" as though liking one should result in liking all is a bit daft, as they're worlds apart from one another in many respects. Perhaps if you could either drop the "people hate certain bands only because they're popular" schtick or actually provide evidence to support the claim, the conversation might be more interesting.
It's not. Not at all.Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend?
Yea, I know. I'm just contemplating.Metallica's first four albums are good/great but I don't think they warrant much discussion at this point.
MoP is just bad though.
But it's difficult to root out such deeply prejudiced views. I shall attempt that in my next series of essays. But currently I'm at work, so ta ta for now.
By the way, the reason why I keep hammering this point is because I have talked to many "indiscriminate" fans(let's call them thus for the sake of the argument) of symphonic black metal and they are big fans of all three; then there must be something that keeps the favoritists choose one over the other.
I shall try to discuss this at length by attempting to disassemble the aesthetic/sonic elements of the trio later on.
You mean like Candlemass vs. Black Sabbath. Yea, I know; not a good example. For many people that think metal as a whole began with Sabbath's S/T and ended Ozzy's departure, the doomy Swedes are overwrought, atrociously theatrical 3rd grade worship of the former.