Controversial opinions on metal

Even if you wouldn't consider it trolling, what's the point in being a massive dick about your opinion?
As for disliking Slayer, I dislike all of their albums that have come out after 1985. I'd say that qualifies as disliking a band personally. If you don't like my opinion, that's your problem. Not my fault Slayer fans are riled up so easily.

If I disliked every band that put out lackluster material after a couple of great albums, I wouldn't like very many bands..
The only thing that bothers me is when people catalog illegally downloaded albums as "digital"; and even then it's just a slight pet peeve. I don't see why it's a bad thing to display ratings from people that have only heard Flames of Hell via MP3s.
Yeah, I make it a point not to claim that I own illegally downloaded things in any way. I don't consider myself as having ownership over them at all.
Dude Roots is pretty shit. That's not really debatable.

Then I guess I like shit.:loco:
RIB was groundbreakingly boring. Most of the album sounded exactly the same. At least their work before that was good.
Sorry, late to the party. Your joking right? Especially if you think it all sounded the same.

As for you listening to Slayer or metal for 17 years and that you are older then some of the board members. I been listening to Slayer for 24 years and metal a little longer then that. I would say i'm older then you and have more metal listening experience. Before you were a sperm cell in your father's puny balls. So what? Age don't mean shit in this issue about Slayer/RIB. Your opinion about RIB and your lists shows you don't have much taste in metal.
Where is Satanstoenail when we need him. We need him to silence the RIB hate (the seventeen shades of gayest gay known to man).

RIB may be monotonous but it's balls-to-the-wall and manly as fuck, if you disagree you are fuckin wrong and should kill yourself.