Controversial opinions on metal

Hardly, mate. I need something spacey and understated. I need metal that has the aesthetic properties and flow of Magma. Yea, I know, weird :erk:

Dark Suns maybe?


I quite like them. I haven't heard any Magma though but I find these guys pretty chilled and interesting.
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Those are such vague terms.
Yea, I know, man. I'm the only who can comprehend them all.

In short, rhythmic fluency, drums that are not shoved in your face and it's got be symmetric in composition. Isn't that just weird? Where do I come up with that stuff:lol:

Savern, my youtube is broken:erk: Gotta be some bug with the Flash player, or something related.
Razor, man, you gotta recommend me some fusion.
So if musicians are gay, does that mean we as metalheads can't like them? I can't see any other reasons why anyone would attack a band for looking gay. Obviously I mean actually gay, not Cradle of Filth gay.

Well, considering that all metal fashion is modeled after R.H.'s gay black-leather fetish, a metal concert can be a pretty gay-looking place. :rolleyes:

Um, yes, you can like a band that's actually gay. Shouldn't have anything to do with anything, obviously.
I really didn't mind Dimmu's image until a few years ago. Like other bands have done in recent years they've taken to dressing in Gwar-like body armour that just makes them look fat and bloated. I actually thought their original keyboard player was cool with his top hat and cape!

Immortal has always just struck me as being black metal's version of Kiss.
Immortal are intended to be over-the-top. They are a cookie cutter BM band with overly "gr1m" and "frostbitten" imagery. This is not to say I don't enjoy them, I just don't take them too seriously and neither do they.
Imagery is all part of the metal scene and has been since the very beginning, very few bands actually take it seriously. As long as the music is good I don't care about the image at all.
Imagery is all part of the metal scene and has been since the very beginning, very few bands actually take it seriously. As long as the music is good I don't care about the image at all.


I would like Dimmu Borgir if their music was good but unfortunately their image outweighs their substance.


Most may disagree, but I find them pretty damn imposing. If you've ever seen them live they definitely have a pretty intimidating presence.
The day after the gig you may accidentally run into Nergal buying tampons for his lady at the ********,looking like his usual self and voila, the whole mystic appearance is but a distant memory.(apparently p-h-a-r-m-a-c-y is a filtered word).