Controversial opinions on metal

I formulated it so arrogantly on purpose. I just knew someone would post something funny in response. ObscureInfinity, you disappoint me.:erk:
After the stupidly brilliant word duels we had.

And in regards to your post, OI: this is what fascinates me in music the most. I can't just magically get over it.Don't think I ever will. But who knows really; everything changes.
Oh, come on, man. You're no fun. Trolling, shmolling.Narrow-minded labeling is so yesterday.
Besides, look at the title of this thread. Mike has truly created a monstrosity here.
They are not stupid. Maybe they're stupid to you as a native English speaker, but I can't seem to word them differently. Why do you always seek to insult me? I'm just having fun. Jeez.

Do you want any of the stuff I'm selling? I'll give you a discount.
Well seeing as that no one really understands what the fuck you're talking about when you describe what you want out of a metal band besides you, it makes perfect sense why people think you sound stupid.
Another controversial opinion (though it shouldn't be):

I like it when the bass guitar is not completely buried in the production. That's a big reason why I like bands like Iron Maiden and Cannibal Corpse, and why I don't really care for ...And Justice For All.

I don't think people really care if they can hear the bass.

I agree with you though, I like to hear it.
OI: It doesn't matter what I like and how I word the reasons for liking it. The point is that you have a personal vendetta against me for reasons only you understand. I piss you off with my opaque smarty-pantiness? Fine. You're probably not the only one, yet you seem to be the only one bent on viciously retaliating anything I say. You could at least try to inject some humor into your insults, so they'll be more fun to read.

Seriously, you and I are like razoredge and Unfaithfully Metalhead- perpetyally stuck in this senseless bickering cycle over trivial stuff-personal opinions about what is essentially just entertainment. Except razoredge is far more entertaining and diplomatic.
You just have a tendency to say the same thing over and over again and make the same points over and over again. Why don't you talk about bands you like or don't like instead of describing impossibly defined standards of what you expect out of metal?
And you keep repeating the same insults over and over again.

As I've told you, I'm more interested in exploring rock and related genres currently. I just stick around because I like the community. Despite the fact that I've been called obnoxious, and a fag(well, obviously, homosexual innuendos are as attractive as ever) for wording things vaguely.
If you are getting upset about getting flamed I suggest you start by NOT posting in this thread for like a month to let the flame cool down because your posts are just getting exponentially worse and worse

You are probably a good guy, but you are too much of a smartass and have opinions that don't sit well with anyone else on these ought to realize why people are coming down on you
Cyanide, it's pretty stupid to judge a person according to what he posts on the net. No one here really knows much about me, maybe outside of the fact that I'm not much of a businessman.:p
The internet is meant as a medium for entertainment; to pass the time. Every person makes of that what he wants.
And for the record, I'm never offended by cyber-bullying despite allusions to the contrary.
Cyanide, it's pretty stupid to judge a person according to what he posts on the net.

Why is that? It's alright to judge someone based on what they say in person right? What difference does it make if it's in written form?

Also no one is really judging you as much as telling you to keep quiet.
Why is that? It's alright to judge someone based on what they say in person right? What difference does it make if it's in written form?
Because that's how additional aspects of one's personality shine through. You're no longer measured merely by your arrogant bitching in some random thread on some random message board while sitting in front of the computer in some random room in some random house on some random street in some random city in some random country.

Wow, so much randomness in the world. Who could've thought?

But we could all have a video conference or something, I guess, to break the cyber barrier a bit.
Another controversial opinion (though it shouldn't be):

I like it when the bass guitar is not completely buried in the production. That's a big reason why I like bands like Iron Maiden and Cannibal Corpse, and why I don't really care for ...And Justice For All.

We have almost nothing in common:lol:

But it's fine, dude. You're still cool, and I love you all.
So, after a similarly pointless and drawn out bitchfest on RYM I've come to the realization that OI is correct; no one has much of a clue of why I like what I like, except myself, that is.
I shall no longer torment you with my opinions about syncopation and related bullshit. I'll just continue listening to what I like, and you do the same.

Sorry for the quadruple post post post post.