Controversial opinions on metal

you mean to tell me that you like peccatum? If I ever wanted to listen to a band with a bunch of good parts throw in between horrible overall song structure and progression then peccatum (Ihsahn side project) would be my best bet.
I haven't heard his solo's but from listening to ITWAD I don't really care. I still don't know what mood they're trying to set with this album, combination of chaos, medieval themes, dark tones/atmosphere, and melody? ugh....
I like dark music, and I do enjoy the dark overtones on some clasical pieces, but wtf does this have to do with emperor? I just hear a band trying to fit so much in between so little.
:lol: ur fucking funny

u really are tho.

for instance, i've heard every single band on ur last fm and i love symphony x and amorphis and can tell u wit the utmost confidence that all that remains is sheer torture to listen to.
Christ Almighty take it to the mens' bathroom and just do it already.

I asked about classical because you showed apparent hate for symphonic black metal. A genre which rarely succeeds IMO but when it does, it's sublime.

If you don't like dark orchestral music presented in a traditional/linear style, the kind that we call "classical" that is a pervading influence in SBM, then no wonder you hate it.
fine, here is one since u love emperor, do u know and have you heard of peccatum? and tell me what was so special about emperors last release and why did they disband?

ohh fuck, google, nvm.....
All That remains? As you can see I never listen to them. That came up on a radio. I just don't like you judging my knowledge because of My profile. I've been listening to metal for 10 years, I think I know a decent amount.
I know people that have been "listening" to metal for more than 10 years and their metal "knowledge" is limited to Pantera, drinking beer, Fear Factory, drinking beer, Machinehead, drinking beer, Metallica, drinking beer and the occasional old death metal band that got popular, and more beer drinking.
finally I can type with two hands


10 years? wow you've been listening to the same stuff over and over for 10 years?

ok you know what? nevermind, this is going no where, if there is an argument and no one can end it with a fist across the cheek then this seriously will never end.
Here's one.

Emperor suks and anything Ihsahn did suxs.

I'll slap you across the face with my cock.

but seriously, I've been trying for about a month now (longer actually) to try and find something I like in that chaotic mess called symphonic black metal. This is probably because burzum is my favorite 2nd wave black metal band and emperor are at the other end of the black metal spectrum. Eh, at dusk has some moments and I could see why one would like it, but I am going to give that album a few more listens see if I find anything more in that chaos.

Well, if you appreciate Burzum's aesthetic then it stands to reason you might find Emperor too theatrical. However, I'd suggest listening to In the Nightside Eclipse before writing them off completely.

I haven't heard his solo's but from listening to ITWAD I don't really care.

Would this be Inthems to the Welkin at Dusk or its predecessor In the White-Assed Dicklips?