Controversial opinions on metal

I'm in this camp, but I also enjoy groping underage girls at live music events so it is understandable that I enjoy crowded standing space situations. I also like to dance and move around a little. Headbanging is pretty retarded most of the time, and the only fun part about a circle pit is watching it. As for people who show up to a concert and do that thing where they fight invisible ninjas...well they get tripped if they hit me more than once.

Xorv I actually agree with you about Mastodon.

The last two shows I was at were Skeletonwitch and Hammerfall. At the Hammerfall show my drummer and I had a booth and we sat until Hammerfall and then just stood, not even really headbanging. It was enjoyable, definitely. The Skeletonwitch show involved the guy next to me getting hit with a flying tackle, a really intense pit in an incredibly small space, and ended with me pressing my ear against the guitarist's monitor during the outro to Within My Blood. It was more enjoyable.

But I agree about the Invisible Ninja Fighters. Spin-kicking and windmilling are punishable by death as far as I'm concerned.
All Mastodon is pretty bad.

Also moshing is fun. Who goes to a death metal show to "dance around"? If you just want to sit in a chair and listen to the music, you can do that at your computer.

I don't know, have you seen anyone "dancing around" at a death metal show? I don't think I have.

Moshing is fun if you are good at it. If you are small/bad at it, it just ends in you falling and being really embarrassed when random people pick you up and shove you out of the pit. This I learned at a young age and now save myself the humiliation.

The worst are those couples where the guy is way overprotective of his date and makes a protective arm barrier around her right in the front, inevitably his arm barrier is like 3 people wide. Or people who make out in the middle of the floor, saw that at Soilent Green once and Ben Falgoust was like "GET A FUCKING ROOM THIS IS A ROCK CLUB"
I don't know, have you seen anyone "dancing around" at a death metal show? I don't think I have.

Moshing is fun if you are good at it. If you are small/bad at it, it just ends in you falling and being really embarrassed when random people pick you up and shove you out of the pit. This I learned at a young age and now save myself the humiliation.

The worst are those couples where the guy is way overprotective of his date and makes a protective arm barrier around her right in the front, inevitably his arm barrier is like 3 people wide. Or people who make out in the middle of the floor, saw that at Soilent Green once and Ben Falgoust was like "GET A FUCKING ROOM THIS IS A ROCK CLUB"

That's a good point. It's not really wise to mosh if you're small, likely to get knocked over or hurt or something. I don't really mind if people want to stand around and watch the show, but complaining about moshing is silly. That's always been a part of metal shows and it's pretty fun (and a good anger release too!).

and yeah I hate people who are overprotective of whomever they are with. if you're so worried about it, why don't you get the fuck out of the way and go stand off to the side or something? can't say I've ever seen anybody making out at a metal show though.

and @ Valerie: Going outside and running into someone will likely cause a fight or a problem. That's not cool. However, running into people at metal shows is perfectly acceptable. Seats at metal shows are dumb anyway. You're not at home in your cushy little chair with your headphones on, you're at a live music show.
That's a good point. It's not really wise to mosh if you're small, likely to get knocked over or hurt or something. I don't really mind if people want to stand around and watch the show, but complaining about moshing is silly. That's always been a part of metal shows and it's pretty fun (and a good anger release too!).

and yeah I hate people who are overprotective of whomever they are with. if you're so worried about it, why don't you get the fuck out of the way and go stand off to the side or something? can't say I've ever seen anybody making out at a metal show though.

There are some situations when moshing is complaint-worthy. I saw Converge once (at the Chance in Poughkeepsie, you been there Brad?) and it was just completely out of control, half the floor was moshing and the other half was windmilling and ninja-kicking, and then the opposing sides started fighting each other. There were people being carried off with bloodied faces and broken limbs by EMTs - I have a high tolerance for violence at shows, but this was legitimately a safety hazard as it was basically impossible to get off the floor.

A little nosebleed here and there never killed anyone though! :D
and @ Valerie: Going outside and running into someone will likely cause a fight or a problem. That's not cool. However, running into people at metal shows is perfectly acceptable. Seats at metal shows are dumb anyway. You're not at home in your cushy little chair with your headphones on, you're at a live music show.

And when I'm at a live music show, I want to watch and listen to the band without people bugging me, that's what I don't like about it.
Blood Mountain is great, but Crack the Skye is pretty awful

I concur. Crack the Skye is boring.

Re. Moshing: From a band perspective it's the best feeling in the world playing a show to a crowd who are moshing & stage diving. From a punters perspective I think it's great to see a crowd going nuts but I never really got into it. I tried stage diving once and I hurt my knee. Nowdays I stand as close to the mixing desk as possible with a beer and watch all the goings on.
I'm too old and out of shape for moshing, and generally shows just piss me off anyway. Here I am excited to see Vader play, for example, and out come the faggots with the spin kicks, and then the 400 lb. skinheads stroll in, shoving and punching random people, and then some fucking diseased teenage cunt starts clawing and scraping at me with her filthy nails because she thinks she deserves to be in front of me. Honestly, the only cool people I meet at shows anymore are the other old metalheads who just hang out at the bar.
I haven't been in a moshing mood for a long time, I'm one of those people who are at the back with a drink headbanging and nodding to the music. Very occasionally do I join the pit to run around like a maniac crashing into other people. I'm not really one to be round house kicked by some hardcore dancer.

That said, I'll be watching Origin, Mixery Index, Psycroptic and Decapitated next week. Blowjob for a Gayboy, Goatwhore and Behemoth the week after. Abigail Williams, Hate Eternal and Nile sometime in May.
Oh man I'm so jealous, that'll be fun times. Decapitated are really good live! Say hi to Ben from Goatwhore, just tell him that Asian chick from Poughkeepsie gives her regards.

Episteme I bet you would beat the living shit out of those hardcore dancers. Aren't you a ninja or a firefighter or both?
This is going to be the new Decapitated line up, I wonder how it's going to go. If I even get to speak to any of the guys from any of the bands that'll be cool.

Contrary to popular belief, I ain't a ninja but I used to do martial arts (not as much anymore). I used to do Tae Kwon Do, Thai Kickboxing and some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I used to be a firefighter. And I probably would beat those hardcore dancers down, I just don't like getting into fights unnecessarily. I'm a pacifist. :D
This is going to be the new Decapitated line up, I wonder how it's going to go. If I even get to speak to any of the guys from any of the bands that'll be cool.

Contrary to popular belief, I ain't a ninja but I used to do martial arts (not as much anymore). I used to do Tae Kwon Do, Thai Kickboxing and some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I used to be a firefighter. And I probably would beat those hardcore dancers down, I just don't like getting into fights unnecessarily. I'm a pacifist. :D

Yeah, obviously it won't be exactly the same as before...but I hope it's still kickass! How large is the venue? Sounds like Perth has a really active metal scene which is awesome.

Nice, the best kind of badass is the kind who knows he can kick the shit out of you but doesn't feel like he has to.
We get a number of international bands come here every year. Last year we had Suffocation, Morbid Angel, Dying Fetus, Necrophagist, Obituary and a few other bands. This year we've already had Cynic, Ensiferum, Meshuggah, Isis, Destroyer 666 and a few others. The venues where the international bands usually play are about 400-800, unless it's a popular band like Slayer as such then an entire stadium is booked.

The metal scene in Australia is pretty good, it's just a little sucky when so many bands want to go to Australia but not to Perth because it's just a backwater town. The metal scene in Perth is pretty well organized, but it's also very cliquey. Which can get annoying, when you're trying to organize gigs. It's a popularity contest to some extent, but meh.

You get your fair share of tools who seem to like the latest trendy deathcore or tech death and those bands have a higher chance of scoring a gig than the harder working, better sounding bands imo. Also, if you're not friends with the right people it's harder to play shows.

Alas, a scene is better than no scene.
That's cool, those kinds of bands never come to Fukuoka and I'd have to go to Osaka (3 1/2 hours by bullet train/local train) to see any. Job For Your Mama's Boy and Behemoth recently came to Osaka and wanted 7000 yen (70 USD) for a ticket, and since I am not a massive fan of either I obviously didn't go.

Every scene is cliquey and stupid. The best way to deal with a popularity contest is obviously to win it. And like you said, a scene beats zero scene. :p

Kauan - Lumikuuro (folk/doom metal)

Too lazy to find the disappointing thread soo....

Recommonded to me by skies at our feet who also recommended me Antimatter, who I love btw. I have a different perspective on this rec though, actually I don't think I have a perspective on this album at all. It's been laying around for months and I never seem to come back to it. I've heard it enough times to grant it the proper time it needs, but still nothing. It's a beautiful album I'll admit, with it's marvelous violins and hypnotizing wind instruments. The album cover matches the music perfectly, this is like nothing I've ever heard before in doom metal. And that may be the reason why I never come back, it's so unconventional in my opinion. I really wanted to enjoy this album, but by this point I've decided to make room for some solitude aeturnus or whatever.

I would definitely recommend this to the rest of you if you're looking for something different, beautiful even, in your doom metal.