Controversial opinions on metal

Assuming metal has no boundaries, and that means it includes plenty of shit. But it does have boundaries (Lady Gaga isn't metal for instance), and it still includes plenty of shit.
I like all types of metal, even the ones that a lot of people hate. I agree that there are some shitty metalcore bands, but thats the same with all genres. I don't think you can write of an entire genre because there will always be good bands. Atm my favourite genres have to be progresdive metal and melodic death metal. I'm not ashamed of what I listen to and I'll admit I listen to some "shit" bands, which is more than a lot of posers will do, who talk shit about a band online but listen to them in reality. I'm just in it for the love of the music.
Ok, first, I'd prefer not to be referred to as a "thing"
Second, at what point did I call you a poser ? I never said you were a poser for loving a band, I said people who are narrowminded and only listen to "real" metal, while shunning all otger genres without giving them a chance are.
Third, listening to Avenged Sevenfold doesnt make me a poser. I like the music they make. I don't like them for any other reason. I understand that there are a lot of emo posers in their fanbase, but I'm not one of them.
Emos still exists? Im only seeing these "scene kids" nowadays.
Still, they have 10 year old girls in their fanbase with fathers following them to gigs. Its fucking sick and funny as hell. I still enjoy "City of Evil" from time to time though.
I think a lot of metalheads are posers who only like tr00 metal because hating metalcore and nu metal is cool, they also only like bands because of the way they look (similiar to emos), because if a metal band looks like A7X, Bullet For My Valentine or Bring Me The Horizon they won't be accpeted by these pseudo-tr00 posers.

at what point did I call you a poser ?

Why yes sir, I believe you did :p
Emos still exists? Im only seeing these "scene kids" nowadays.
Still, they have 10 year old girls in their fanbase with fathers following them to gigs. Its fucking sick and funny as hell. I still enjoy "City of Evil" from time to time though.

Emos, scenes, they're all posers, right? Well, apart from the fact that some "emo" bands can actually play their instruments, while scene "crunkcore" bands use shitty backing tracks, rap and scream badly.

City of Evil is their best album. I'd actually say it sounds a bit like a modern version of Maiden and Priest, thats probably a controversial thing to say as welll though >.<
Well, I would not stereotyping them all only for their looks. But most of them are trying to belong to something cause its popular I guess.

Yeah, and the poser metalheads I'm talking about are similiar to this. They think that they're hardcore by shunning popular bands and genres.
You obviously don't get what I'm saying. I said that people who start hating bands because its became "cool" to hate them because they've become popular. I didnt call anyone a poser personally.

I think there is a very blurred line between "starting to hate bands for being popular" and having legitimate reasons for disliking said bands. Most people have valid basis as to why they dislike certain bands and usually are accused of just hating them because they are popular...usually by fans of the band.
Like AX7, I dislike them because their vocalist is nasally and annoying. Also, their live musicianship is poor and they cannot pull off half of the things they do on the album (Dragonforce syndrome). I could care less that they are popular. I hated them when Waking the Fallen came out.
Dragonforce has been getting much better live then they ones were. Remember beeing shock how good they were last summer when I saw them, either that or maybe it was cause I was incredible drunk. Still, far from as bad live as people are accusing them of beeing.
I think there is a very blurred line between "starting to hate bands for being popular" and having legitimate reasons for disliking said bands. Most people have valid basis as to why they dislike certain bands and usually are accused of just hating them because they are popular...usually by fans of the band.
Like AX7, I dislike them because their vocalist is nasally and annoying. Also, their live musicianship is poor and they cannot pull off half of the things they do on the album (Dragonforce syndrome). I could care less that they are popular. I hated them when Waking the Fallen came out.

Thats fair enough, but a lot of people hate on bands because they become popular. Perfect example: Five Finger Death Punch. Before they became popular they were loved. Now everyones hating on them.

And I disagree about A7X not being able to pull it off live, but I don't want to start an argument.

Can we just accept that I like A7X and you don't and move on ?
Haha, Five Finger Death Punch just got removed from "metal-archives"
Well, I guess they got too popular then.
Ever read a review on Metal Archives ?
They make you want to slap the person that wrote them. I mean, they're either overly-praising or pointless band bashing! Theres no middle ground'