Controversial opinions on metal

So, I've been kinda curious about this lately; I know a lot of you guys put a lot of stock in the historical side of classic albums, but, if you were to disregard history and influence completely and look purely at musical quality, would it be controversial to say, for example, that Graves of the Archangels is just as good as it's influences like Onward to Golgotha or Dawn of Possession? Or to say that I enjoy Engram as much as Drawing Down the Moon? I know there's that whole group that essentially bashes the last decade for it's apparent shortage of musical innovation, but I'm curious regarding people's opinions about the last decade compared to others when quality is the only criteria. Because, personally, I like the '00s as much as the '90s (for different reasons).
So, I've been kinda curious about this lately; I know a lot of you guys put a lot of stock in the historical side of classic albums, but, if you were to disregard history and influence completely and look purely at musical quality, would it be controversial to say, for example, that Graves of the Archangels is just as good as it's influences like Onward to Golgotha or Dawn of Possession? Or to say that I enjoy Engram as much as Drawing Down the Moon? I know there's that whole group that essentially bashes the last decade for it's apparent shortage of musical innovation, but I'm curious regarding people's opinions about the last decade compared to others when quality is the only criteria. Because, personally, I like the '00s as much as the '90s (for different reasons).

Graves of the Archangels is a damn good album, but I guess if you like it better than DoP and OtG, you got into metal within the last few years or so.
I like it more than DoP and about as much as OtG, but yes I did get into metal in the last few years. *BUT* that's only saying I don't have the historical perspective to properly appreciate the earlier albums, which is what I was explicitly asking you to ignore when making a judgement. Or are you just saying that those albums are going to grow on me more or something?
So, I've been kinda curious about this lately; I know a lot of you guys put a lot of stock in the historical side of classic albums, but, if you were to disregard history and influence completely and look purely at musical quality, would it be controversial to say, for example, that Graves of the Archangels is just as good as it's influences like Onward to Golgotha or Dawn of Possession? Or to say that I enjoy Engram as much as Drawing Down the Moon? I know there's that whole group that essentially bashes the last decade for it's apparent shortage of musical innovation, but I'm curious regarding people's opinions about the last decade compared to others when quality is the only criteria. Because, personally, I like the '00s as much as the '90s (for different reasons).

Regarding Graves Of The Archangels, yes. If it had been released in the early 90s it would definitely be considered a classic album today. Haven't heard Engram.
I like it more than DoP and about as much as OtG, but yes I did get into metal in the last few years. *BUT* that's only saying I don't have the historical perspective to properly appreciate the earlier albums, which is what I was explicitly asking you to ignore when making a judgement. Or are you just saying that those albums are going to grow on me more or something?

You can't ignore the historical implications of albums. Dawn of Possession came out in 1991. Graves of the Archangels came out in 2008. There's a huge difference in what the albums meant to the genre and the music at the time when they came out.

Most people who have been listening to metal since the 90s and earlier will likely prefer DoP/OtG because of their historical status and how amazing they were at the time of their release. Sure, GotA is a great album, most death metal fans that aren't retarded will agree with that. It's also released 17 years after DoP and 16 years after OtG. It's going to have better production, and it's going to take influences from things that have come out since then.

So as I said, you're likely new to metal if you think GotA is better than these albums, because you weren't exposed to them until way later on in their lifespan when they weren't nearly as impressive as they were when death metal wasn't so oversatured and easily accessed.
...but I guess if you like it better than DoP and OtG, you got into metal within the last few years or so.
Why is this your default remark for everything? Do you think someone who hasn't been listening to metal since the beginning is incapable of formulating an intelligent opinion?

That said, I think what you're trying to say is that those older albums have emotional or sentimental significance to you that they don't to someone just getting into metal. Sort of like how I enjoy later Pantera where most people don't, because I listened to that stuff when I was just getting into metal.
Why is this your default remark for everything? Do you think someone who hasn't been listening to metal since the beginning is incapable of formulating an intelligent opinion?

That said, I think what you're trying to say is that those older albums have emotional or sentimental significance to you that they don't to someone just getting into metal. Sort of like how I enjoy later Pantera where most people don't, because I listened to that stuff when I was just getting into metal.

I suppose it's ok in this context since he's not necessarily using the "obviously just got into metal" line as a derogatory remark; it's a perfectly valid point as long as it isn't used in the context of elitism.
Yeah, I wasn't trying to use it in the context of "you just got into metal your opinion sucks" or something. It was part of the point I was trying to make.
I think that people who enjoy Blind Guardian but put down Nightwish are slightly screwed up in the head. No offense.

This doesn't make sense. That's like saying people who enjoy Emperor who put down Cradle of Filth are slightly screwed up in the head. They're apples and oranges. Or in this case, currywurst and whatever Finns eat.

For sure people are FAR too serious about band loyalties etc, but saying "just because you like A means you shouldn't dislike B" kind of doesn't make sense