Controversial opinions on metal

prog metal is almost as bad as power metal and the new burzum album kinda sounds like varg chanting "black metal is dead and I just hammered the last nail into its gay coffin" over and over for 50 minutes if you listen to it underwater


Haha, I love such convoluted descriptions.Unfortunately, they don't mean a thing, since they seem to have been created via some kind of random words generator.

Example: Krieg kinda sounds like someone just recorded himself yelling like a banshee into the microphone, turned on the vacuum cleaner, and rammed the distortion pedal into the floor. Then turned it off for a few seconds to insert some acoustics, then whammm, more vacuum cleaning. Happy Passover, Imperial. At least your house sparkles now. Not a particle of dust to be found anywhere.Purchase now your personal Krieg 2010 vaccum cleaner for a reduced price. Every crippled housewife has already bought two.

See, bullshit.

Haha, I love such convoluted descriptions.Unfortunately, they don't mean a thing, since they seem to have been created via some kind of random words generator.

Example: Krieg kinda sounds like someone just recorded himself yelling like a banshee into the microphone, turned on the vacuum cleaner, and rammed the distortion pedal into the floor. Then turned it off for a few seconds to insert some acoustics, then whammm, more vacuum cleaning. Happy Passover, Imperial. At least your house sparkles now. Not a particle of dust to be found anywhere.Purchase now your personal Krieg 2010 vaccum cleaner for a reduced price. Every crippled housewife has already bought two.

See, bullshit.

thats pretty convoluted dude
This whole debate about metal vs not metal is completely lacking anything that even resembles rationality. Look, SLipknot is a metal band, even if you think they sound like shit. I can't stand Children Of Bodom, but I can't in good conscience insist that they are not a metal band. Now, please do not retort with "You think Slipknot is metal, you don't know shit about metal, hur hur...". I know just enough about metal to know what is and isn't. Metal has loud and/or fast drum beats (Slipknot), aggressive vocals (Slipknot), heavy, minor-key guitar riffs that are upfront in the mix (Slipknot), and dark lyrical themes (Slipknot). Limp Bizkit only has the aggressive vocals, therefore, they are not metal. I know this won't satisfy VB and will in fact only solicit tough-guy posturing and empty threats, but I feel I have at least given a sensible definition of what is essential metal music.
I'm not even going to respond anymore, I already pointed out why these bands aren't metal. If you want to keep believing you are the final word on what is and what isn't metal then sure go ahead. Listen to Slipknot and be happy and call it metal. You're still wrong.

"I know just enough about metal to know what is and what isn't" should say "I like Slipknot so therefore I say they are metal". Children of Bodom has nothing to do with anything because they are so obviously metal it's a horrible comparison.

Also by your standards, Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath aren't metal bands. Awesome.
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I love how he mentions that shit band of Porcupine Tree as the greatest band of all time with true greats as The Cure, Black Sabbath, and Pink Floyd. That guy really is an idiot, someone forgot to mention to him that music is a form of art and is based on opinion so there is no such thing as greatest band of all time. Pinche pendejo se creer que se sabe todo pero es un mamon que yo creo la pinche mama se tomo much quando el estaba en la pansa (no se la palabra para uterus in espanol, porfavor desculpa me)

anyways, have to agree with einherjar on that one. The music industry, especially recording companies, are suffering a lot from this vast explosion of free music downloads. So how the hell do you expect Varg to profit from a black metal album when currently the music trend is like lady gaga or some pop shit in America and I'm guessing Europe? I dunno I live in TEJAS.
razoredge: I will get to your fallacious, idiotic response later, after I return home.

"It's not metal!"

"But it has solos, blast beating sections, death growls? How is it not metal?"

"It's just fucking not metal"


"Fuck you! Shut up, it's not metal."

Looks like it's hard to get an explanation out of you Velocibrad. Seriously, I like alot of the bands you post and think highly of your recommendations but sometimes you just make absolutely no sense.

Solos, blast beats, and growls are not traits exclusive to metal. Blast beats appeared largely in grind at first, which is not inherently metal... growls are used in non-metal music (AFI has growls for fucks sake), and solos, I will not even start.

Its the riffs. Slipknot and most of these other nu-metal losers have ROCK riffs overlaid over top of faux-metal elements. These are not METAL riffs.
God damn it, just admit that Slipknot play metal nowadays. They just suck at it.


How can you people argue that Slipknot is rock? Then what the hell are The Cardigans? Pop? Then what is Lady Gaga?

And to paraphrase the lame responses: "Well ok the music has growled vocals, blastbeats, downtuned guitars with fast riffs, but none of those traits are ONLY applicable to fact they are only used as a thin blanket over a rock based sound"

Well, according to wikipedia, metal is a subgenre of rock music that developed in the late 60s and early 70s.
Why dwell on definitions too much though? They're often too limiting.
It started off that way but wikipedia sucks at genre labeling anyway.

Metal has definitely evolved enough to be a genre separate from rock at this point.
Anyhow upon abit more investigation it appears to me that nu-metal doesnt even know what it is. The bands vary alot, theres many influences and/or styles used in even one song. Some are really heavy, some sound like wigger metal, its mainstream, its not just rock, its not just metal, its not just rap, its not just funk... bla bla bla... so now this subject of debate to me is even more laughable than it was yesterday. The youtube vids I was presented with DID NOT define the entire genre.

This shit has been going on since "metal", tuff guy metalheads have always puffed their chests out at anything remotely mainstream or sucessfully popular. Queensryche, Metallica and Megadeth all took slaggins for Empire, Black, Countdown "thats not metal"... "their not metal anymore", "sellouts"... bla bla bla

You know what I always thought ? I've been listening to metal since before it was even pegged to a genre, I lived through the tranformation. Shut the fuck up who cares, theres so many different kinds of hardrock/metal mixed and matched and stirred and shuffled. We all know what the far end of the extreme is and it fades and blends toward the beginning of the graph. The extreme always attempting to be more extreme and the less extreme always blending and mixing it up, go listen to what you like and SHUT THE FUCK UP!