Controversial opinions on metal

Anyhow upon abit more investigation it appears to me that nu-metal doesnt even know what it is. The bands vary alot, theres many influences and/or styles used in even one song. Some are really heavy, some sound like wigger metal, its mainstream, its not just rock, its not just metal, its not just rap, its not just funk... bla bla bla... so now this subject of debate to me is even more laughable than it was yesterday. The youtube vids I was presented with DID NOT define the entire genre.

Like I said it has tons of different music genres mixed in. Lot of the bands have a grunge influence in then. Just because it has a heavy sound does not mean it's metal.
It's amazing how many people think that if something is heavy it's automatically metal. The idiocy is overwhelming.

and to all the .'s and other _____

yet not a single attempt at describing specific qualities of metal has been made, outside of the one that was obviously innacurate.

I disagree with the quoted statement because the first and foremost quality of heavy metal... it the heavy part, thats how it recieved its name.

So if someone is going to argue the point it best be done with some accurate descriptions rather than being indignant about someone elses post and saying nothing.

Sitting safely on the thrash, black and death metal side of things and knowing you are listening to metal is DUH, get outside toward the fringes of the large molten pool of "metal" and you better be smart... not smart assed
According to you sausageheads, it's only metal if you approve of it.

Bathory still > everything else. Even though a lot of other bands are more technically skilled, have better production, and Quorthon's vocals are often horribly out of tune, Bathory is still the most indisputably "metal" musical act of all time, forever.

The Butt is getting up there with JGMetalhead
I think a lot of Bathory's appeal is based on whether or not you find the subject matter/imagery of the music rousing or engaging, and whether you are okay with many songs that sound similar to each other.
I'm not even going to respond anymore, I already pointed out why these bands aren't metal. If you want to keep believing you are the final word on what is and what isn't metal then sure go ahead. Listen to Slipknot and be happy and call it metal. You're still wrong.

I rarely listen to Slipknot. The only thing you pointed out is that you hate Slipknot, and there fore they are not a metal band. You also mentioned something about them being a "rap group", thought there is only one song from the first album in which Cory Taylor raps. Machine Head's Burning Red album is at least half rap vocals, are they now a rap group because of that 1 album?

"I know just enough about metal to know what is and what isn't" should say "I like Slipknot so therefore I say they are metal". Children of Bodom has nothing to do with anything because they are so obviously metal it's a horrible comparison.

I don't dislike Slipknot. Not a huge fan, I just like a handful of songs, really. Children Of Bodom is a good comparison, because the two are examples of sub-par over-hyped metal bands. Yes, Slipknot is metal. For the very rational reasons I had previously pointed out.

Also by your standards, Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath aren't metal bands. Awesome.

What is that based on? From what I can tell, nothing. Each band uses 1)loud and/or fast drum beats, 2) aggressive vocals, 3), heavy, minor-key guitar riffs that are upfront in the mix, and 4) dark lyrical themes.
I'm pretty sure Manowar are more metal, but yeah, Bathory FUCK YEAH :kickass:

Playing loudly live and showing your chest hair to everyone does not necessitate metalness, but that's just me. Manowar makes me want to run around swinging battleaxes and watch men do it bareback. Bathory makes me want to grow goat horns and LARP in the northern forests.
What is that based on? From what I can tell, nothing. Each band uses 1)loud and/or fast drum beats, 2) aggressive vocals, 3), heavy, minor-key guitar riffs that are upfront in the mix, and 4) dark lyrical themes.

Not trying to give you a hard time here but just want to point out my feelings on this.

1) loud and/or fast drums beats is not soley the property of metal, (more a common problem with drummers LOL). Nor does metal HAVE to have fast drum beats or "blast" beats like you mentioned earlier. Sabbath was the king of sludge and had many slow steady grooves. Maiden wasnt always balls to the wall either. Many metal bands have had slower paced steady grooves

2)Dickinson and especially Ozzy were not that overwhelmingly aggressive. There were previous(Dickinson) and concurrent(Ozzy) hardrock vocalists more aggressive and raspy. Many early metal vocals were clean as could be and many today still are.

3)up front guitar has been a mostly standard policy of rock, the heavy stuff started with hardrock. Minor keys I dont get, it all converts to major to me, but Maiden used very basic common progressions and stood apart from hardrock in their constant usage of pedals and gallops, something actually started by hardrock bands such as Uriah Heep, Zeppelin, Heart, ect. One thing early metal guitar players did do was steered further away from pentatonic improv and I/IV/V progressions but again hardrock, progressive and fusion players did this first. The key word you used here was HEAVY, the crushing weight of the whole thing IS where heavy metal came from. The metal word also refering to the grateing of it, massive over driven distortion, thick grinding saturation.

4)dark lyrical themes, not always existant in all metal and also exist in other forms of music. I think skull and goat fucking however is specific to SOME metal... LOL I mean country folk do it too but dont sing about it, just that the wife left but not the reason why.
Not trying to give you a hard time here but just want to point out my feelings on this.

1) loud and/or fast drums beats is not soley the property of metal, (more a common problem with drummers LOL). Nor does metal HAVE to have fast drum beats or "blast" beats like you mentioned earlier. Sabbath was the king of sludge and had many slow steady grooves. Maiden wasnt always balls to the wall either. Many metal bands have had slower paced steady grooves

2)Dickinson and especially Ozzy were not that overwhelmingly aggressive. There were previous(Dickinson) and concurrent(Ozzy) hardrock vocalists more aggressive and raspy. Many early metal vocals were clean as could be and many today still are.

3)up front guitar has been a mostly standard policy of rock, the heavy stuff started with hardrock. Minor keys I dont get, it all converts to major to me, but Maiden used very basic common progressions and stood apart from hardrock in their constant usage of pedals and gallops, something actually started by hardrock bands such as Uriah Heep, Zeppelin, Heart, ect. One thing early metal guitar players did do was steered further away from pentatonic improv and I/IV/V progressions but again hardrock, progressive and fusion players did this first. The key word you used here was HEAVY, the crushing weight of the whole thing IS where heavy metal came from. The metal word also refering to the grateing of it, massive over driven distortion, thick grinding saturation.

4)dark lyrical themes, not always existant in all metal and also exist in other forms of music. I think skull and goat fucking however is specific to SOME metal... LOL I mean country folk do it too but dont sing about it, just that the wife left but not the reason why.

i bet youre really fun to be around at parties