Controversial opinions on metal

itt DarkBliss needs his own separate controversial opinions thread.
How would that work exactly? A sub-thread opened in a meta-thread?
So there have been a dozen pages or so dedicated to my sadly circular word duel with ObscureInfinity. Eventually, I got bored, and I guess so did he.It all ended on a positive note with him posting a pic of Hitler. Then despite my promise of rainbows and pink elephants, I was provoked again by the mention of Blind Guardian, so I tried drawing some parallels to Nightwish. I've been told that BG is ballsier than Nightwish to which I replied "pfft", or some variant of that.A plastic version of Europe of type A, a plastic version of Europe of type B=what's there to favor one over the other? Ah, yes, the mythical "balls" aspect.Sure, some of my descriptions may be far-fetched or skewed by bias, but hey, whose aren't?

So anyhow, then we've covered Asians with a perm,the possibility of self-rape, the fact that out of the box thinking leads to the invention of useful appliances, and such, dissected Brad a little which led to razoredge's temporary banning, talked about cacti and so much more prior to that.
This thread is hardly about me.
Controversial: The Black Album is Metallica's third best, behind MoP and RTL, in that order. Maybe tied with RTL, not sure but it's close.

My reasoning for this? Hetfield's vocals, plain and simple. He turned what could be rated a good heavy metal album and elevated it to greatness. I kind of wish he had concentrated on the vocals more in their earlier albums because they could have been fucking ridiculously good.

Ya I get that I'm on a little Metallica kick at the moment if you hadn't noticed, but I've always thought this. Who's with me?!!?
But... unlike Slipknot, both have EXTENSIVE metal elements to complement their groove... every track both Pantera and Lamb of God have put out has been primarily metal, so flawed argument.

  • Lamb of God is metalcore/thrash/groove. Both metalcore and thrash are subgenres of metal.
  • Pantera is thrash/groove. Thrash is a metal subgenre.
  • Slipknot is fucking rock with groove. With the OCCASIONAL metal element. Does that make them metal? FUCK no.

I have listened to Slipknot quite a bit. My friend is a big fan. But even he knows they're not metal man.

Come on man, you're really smart... you've said a LOT of shit I wholeheartedly support... but why the blatant disregard of logic here? :erk:

What the fuck is "rock with groove"? Since when were Pantera or Lamb of God considered thrash at all? And why did you leave Machine Head out of your rebuttal? Very odd. I thought you were an expert on arguing? As far as I can see, your argument basically consists of you talking in absolutes without actually qualifying anything you say, using LOTS of CAPITALISED words for NO APPARENT REASON other than to YELL the words you're trying to emphasize, and repeatedly bringing up your friend who likes Slipknot but doesn't think they're metal either. And you do it all from this holier-than-though plateau of arrogant OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU THINK THEY'RE METAL wank. And you have the nerve to sit there and criticise my arguing style. lol. At least I've used examples, explained my reasons for thinking the way I do, attempted to speak about musical traits, asked for explanations etc.

The only person who has said anything of worth in this debate has been Cythraul, but unfortunately he didn't expand on his thoughts.
Controversial: The Black Album is Metallica's third best, behind MoP and RTL, in that order. Maybe tied with RTL, not sure but it's close.

My reasoning for this? Hetfield's vocals, plain and simple. He turned what could be rated a good heavy metal album and elevated it to greatness. I kind of wish he had concentrated on the vocals more in their earlier albums because they could have been fucking ridiculously good.

Ya I get that I'm on a little Metallica kick at the moment if you hadn't noticed, but I've always thought this. Who's with me?!!?

Hetfield started "singing" on The Black album and that's where it all started to go horribly wrong.

Also Cause of Death and Deicide's s/t are brilliant and anyone who doesn't think so is mistaken.
I much prefer his vocals on the earlier albums. Bob Rock brought all the annoying elements of his voice to the fore imo.