Controversial opinions on metal

I tried to watch Whitechapel at Soundwave recently and after a few songs I walked away because it was annoying the shit out of me.

Slowly We Rot and Cause of Death are fucking awesome albums.

And I'm sorry Andy and Kevin, but Pokemon fucking blows.
I need to get back on the Pokemon bandwagon, I'm in the middle of training a shiny Torchic my best friend gave me as a present. He's gonna be a mixed sweeper and kick gratuitous amounts of ass. :cool:
Only thing wrong with Pokemon is the TV show. The first season was so full of soul, and it was also FUNNY. Everything after that turned to shit. I grew up on the first season... Ah, the 90's!
Yeah dude when Pikachu cried over Scyther cleaving (her) bottle of ketchup in half, the raw emotion that was there... I just couldn't believe it. It was also funny.

And you niggas can't beat my Farfetch'd. He gots a leek and shit.
TSoP is better than Human and ITP at least.

There's no way in hell that TSoP is better than Human. Human is at least a decent popularization of the late 80s/early 90s progressive death metal style. TSoP is little more than poorly structured wank.
Pokemon is awesome you my pals, anybody who doesn't think that at least the video games are cool can go choke on a million dicks.

What the fuck is "rock with groove"?

It's pretty self-explanatory? There is rock with groove (Down for example, Slipknot) and there is rock without (AC/DC, 80s glam, shit like that).

Since when were Pantera or Lamb of God considered thrash at all

Pantera IS thrash. It is arguable for LOG but I see thrash elements. But even if they didn't, that doesn't change the fact that LOG is metalcore (which IS a genre of metal).

And why did you leave Machine Head out of your rebuttal? Very odd.

I am not going to comment on a band who's sole track I've heard is a cover.

I thought you were an expert on arguing? As far as I can see, your argument basically consists of you talking in absolutes without actually qualifying anything you say, using LOTS of CAPITALISED words for NO APPARENT REASON other than to YELL the words you're trying to emphasize, and repeatedly bringing up your friend who likes Slipknot but doesn't think they're metal either.

I fail to see how I've been talking in absolutes. My main points were:
  • Having slight metal influences does not make you metal.
  • Slipknot's riffs are not metal in either composition or atmosphere.
  • What sets them apart from bands like Pantera and Lamb of God, is that they are actually BASED in metal, and actually reside in established metal genres. Thrash and metalcore respectively.
  • Having one "metal" song in your discography doesn't make you metal either, so pointing out one song is pointless as a counter-argument.

And you do it all from this holier-than-though plateau of arrogant OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU THINK THEY'RE METAL wank. And you have the nerve to sit there and criticise my arguing style. lol. At least I've used examples, explained my reasons for thinking the way I do, attempted to speak about musical traits, asked for explanations etc.

And I've done the same. The fact that I'm doing it in a semi-arrogant manner, does not make my points any less valid.

Except... I have not made obvious logical fallacies such as calling out the arguer rather than the argument itself, constantly dodging and evading, etc.
I love how most of your negative reviews are things like "too long", "too many notes", or "I don't like the production". You're such a tool.

I've learned to live with his idiosyncratic (read: retarded) standards of musical quality. Someday you will too. Breathe and count to ten.
Butterfree is infallible.

But pokemon is meh. I'd rather play FF6 and/or watch Evangelion, Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon, Berserk or DBZ. If I'm in the mood for that stuff. ;)
Sailor Moon over Pokemon?

what the FUCK? :erk:

Pokemon is for childrens. Sailor Moon is for teens. I like to relive my teen years over and over again. It's good for camp value. You know, for laughs. Pokemon is just bizarre, not much camp. Plus, speaking of bizarre, try watching Sailor Moon on LSD. Holy fuck!
I watched Sailor Moon when I was like 8. For like 3 episodes. It was a children's show.

Also I am not referring to the show when it comes to Pokemons