Controversial opinions on metal

I'll deny the awesomeness of Raining Blood. It's good, but the solos are total crap the thrashing starts better than it ends. Postmortem, on the otherhand, is total greatness and their best song.

And Spectrum of Death is what Kreator wishes they were. Darkness Descends is a bit too tight and precise in its bludgeoning to be compared. If it wishes it was anything (which it doesn't as it's nigh-perfect) it wishes it was Tortured Existence.
I like most Slayer solos and Jeff Hanneman is the better guitarist out of the two, he seems to actually have a grip of what he's playing. Even though I think Reign In Blood is pretty overrated, Criminally Insane and Necrophobic are two of my favourite Slayer songs.

Spectrum of Death is an awesome thrash album but I'm not sure if I like it better than Extreme Aggression or Pleasure to Kill. It is leaps and bounds better than any of the newer Kreator shit though.
Favorite Slayer songs would definitely have to be Payback and Dead Skin Mask. In regards to Raining Blood, yeah it's pretty overrated and the only part of the song I enjoy is the intro to the solo.
The most underrated Kreator, at least. It's the closest they got to the controlled brutality of American death/thrash without gaying things up with the stench of Bay Area blah.

EDIT: Probably because the thrash revival still has a good distance to go before it becomes worthwhile. More Vektor and Immaculate, plz.
Am I the only one that likes newer (ie: Enemy of God-era... none of that Hordes of Chaos shit) Kreator? :erk:

I honestly love Enemy of God.

Hordes of Chaos is good, but not EOG good.

I'd rank Violent Revolution in-between those two.

Terrible Certainty and Extreme Aggression are both kick-ass albums. I don't think Pleasure To Kill is any better than those two.

Coma of Souls is my favorite Kreator album.

I agree with the Kreator-Morbid Saint comparison more than my Darkness Descends-Spectrum of Death analogy.

I still think Spectrum of Death is better than anything Dark Angel or Kreator has put out.

Never heard Immaculate. Have to check them out. Vektor is awesome, though.
Hordes of Chaos is pretty bad imo. I don't know if it's the mixing or what, but the vocals don't match the music well at all. And if the vocals are going to be that obvious over the music, the lyrics shouldn't be so elementary.
It's not just bad mixing, but bad songwriting. And I swear to god the title track has a REALLY BAD breakdown in there. Shit sucks.
Never heard Immaculate. Have to check them out. Vektor is awesome, though.

To be more specific I really mean just new Immaculate. Their first (and only thus far) album is typical retro silly thrash, but the song Cross of Nero on their MySpace is incredible epic buzzsaw-riff-orgy thrash of quality unmatched since early Coroner, mid 80's Destruction, and Ulysses Siren. I just hope they can keep it up for the rest of the album.
To be more specific I really mean just new Immaculate. Their first (and only thus far) album is typical retro silly thrash, but the song Cross of Nero on their MySpace is incredible epic buzzsaw-riff-orgy thrash of quality unmatched since early Coroner, mid 80's Destruction, and Ulysses Siren. I just hope they can keep it up for the rest of the album.

You're right, that is a thrashtastic song. :headbang:
There's a difference between poser shit and amateurish songwriting.

Bands do get better as they mature, though. Case in point - Warbringer.

First album was meh, second is awesome.

Nobody can deny the awesome power of Angel of Death and Raining Blood, though. I'll agree that the middle part isn't nearly as good, but it's still awesome enough.

Morbid Saint's Spectrum of Death is the album Darkness Descends wishes it was.

Don't really care for any songs off Reign in Blood, first 2 Slayer albums + Haunting the Chapel are all I care to listen to from Slayer these days.

As far as Spectrum of Death vs Darkness Descends.. those are 2 of my top 5 thrash albums ever.. I can't really choose. They're both fucking great, and yes, better than Slayer.