Controversial opinions on metal

Behemoth are average. Mediocre would be a little too harsh to call them.

I gave Six Feet Under a try today, particulary the 13 album. It isn't THAT bad. It isn't shit for sure.
Black metal Behemoth ranges from good to whatever. The blackened death albums (Thelema, Satanica, Pandemonic Incantations) are pretty fucking boring, few good songs or memorable parts. Zos Kia Cultus is markedly inferior to the last three, what I would describe as "bombastic death metal."

SFU are unbearably bad. If they ever wrote some decent music, they'd still have the crippling problem of having Chris Barnes in the band. Their covers are honestly offensive.
Wonder what happened to Barnes. I mean I really enjoy The Bleeding by CC he fit into the music, he obviously wasn't a "crippling problem" back then. And yeah, Graveyard Classics recordings are a shitstain on the whole metal music. :lol:
Gaahl is Gay.

...and also not the vocalist on Pentagram.

Thx for being the musical-taste-police bro, I think I'd have trouble working out which music I enjoy or don't enjoy without your help.

Let me know when you need help perfecting your music taste mayun. I'm always willing to help. I'd also recommend removing "bro" from your vocabulary if you want your metalhead scene-points to increase. Words included in the fratboy fagnasties dictionary are very un-metal, I'm afraid.

Pull your head out of your ass. Maybe the "lot" you speak of are the ones with actually decent taste, and you're the loner in the corner crying because no one notices the accuracy of his opinions.

Or maybe I'm the loner who recognizes the accuracy of his opinions on metal when (most) of everyone else here primarily listens to viking/folk/symphonic/brutal death/*insert modern bullshit fusion genre that vastly compromises the quality of metal (and can hardly even be considered metal in some cases).

On a serious note (and you people really are fucking stupid for taking me seriously before; do I honestly have to state that it's my opinion that you people have shitty taste in black metal for it to be implied that it is, in fact, MY opinion?), I generally prefer the "black metal" part of the genre over the "symphonic." Kinda makes sense since I listen to black metal for the purpose of listening to black metal, first and foremost.
Let me know when you need help perfecting your music taste mayun. I'm always willing to help. I'd also recommend removing "bro" from your vocabulary if you want your metalhead scene-points to increase. Words included in the fratboy fagnasties dictionary are very un-metal, I'm afraid.

Or maybe I'm the loner who recognizes the accuracy of his opinions on metal when (most) of everyone else here primarily listens to viking/folk/symphonic/brutal death/*insert modern bullshit fusion genre that vastly compromises the quality of metal.

On a serious note (and you people really are fucking stupid for taking me seriously before; do I honestly have to state that it's my opinion that you people have shitty taste in black metal for it to be implied that it is, in fact, MY opinion?), I generally prefer the "black metal" part of the genre over the "symphonic." Kinda makes sense since I listen to black metal for the purpose of listening to black metal, first and foremost.

does not compute

how is the quality of metal compromised by adding new genres, bro?
On a serious note (and you people really are fucking stupid for taking me seriously before; do I honestly have to state that it's my opinion that you people have shitty taste in black metal for it to be implied that it is, in fact, MY opinion?), I generally prefer the "black metal" part of the genre over the "symphonic." Kinda makes sense since I listen to black metal for the purpose of listening to black metal, first and foremost.

Everything prior to the statement in bold was not entirely serious. I don't understand why that is difficult to comprehend.

Since you seem to have trouble understanding the implication that my statements are, in actuality, MY OPINION, I will start my sentence as follows...

IN MY OPINION, a lot of genres are straying too far away from the original roots of metal making the genre compromised into an area I can't relate to or like.
IN MY OPINION, a lot of genres are straying too far away from the original roots of metal making the genre compromised into an area I can't relate to or like.

That's one of the good things about modern metal. Sure, it's great to have bands that keep pumping out albums that sound like they were made in the 80s, but a healthy music genre needs bands that are throwing in different ideas/influences/instruments to keep moving it forward. Do I like Black Metal melded with Post-Rock, for example? No. Generally I find it boring, but I'm glad bands are doing things like that because who knows, it might lead to something interesting one day.
Genres can progress without having ideas/influences that contradict the style. You have to draw the line somewhere. I don't think post-rock has any place in black metal, just like I think rock doesn't have a place in death metal (a la death n' roll), rap doesn't have a place in any metal, etc.
Can you name a genre that has evolved and progressed without contradicting the style? How do you think new genres come about? There couldn't be post-rock without rock...or metal without rock
tbh metal strayed too far from its roots once it allowed Burzum to be a member of it. Most falseness can be traced back to Norway circa 1994.
but it's not like ALL METAL instantly transformed into Norwegian 2nd wave BM in 1994, you know? I guess I am failing at seeing how branching out into fringe territories destroys the soul and core of a genre.
I agree with that. I don't remotely care when people refer to Korn or Slipknot as metal, so there's no reason for me to do the same for Sunn O))) or Agalloch. Genre protectionism is pretty pretentious.
I guess I'm overly welcoming in that sense. Sure I'll bite someone's head off a little if they claim Dragonforce are "death metal," but I'm not terribly worried about there being too many new subgenres. At worst there will be a triforce-schism and "metal" will be divided into "wizard metal," "art metal" and "angry metal."
Can you name a genre that has evolved and progressed without contradicting the style? How do you think new genres come about? There couldn't be post-rock without rock...or metal without rock

I never said there was. I was simply saying that I don't generally care for contradictions within metal and think that the sub-genres within the style can evolve without the addition of contradicting elements. Dead Congregation and Deathevokation are good examples of modern bands that do this within death metal.

I don't really see how metal is a contradiction of rock but I guess you could say that about post-rock. I'm not really concerned with that issue.
I agree with that. I don't remotely care when people refer to Korn or Slipknot as metal, so there's no reason for me to do the same for Sunn O))) or Agalloch. Genre protectionism is pretty pretentious.

So is "open-mindedness." I have no interest in listening to a variant of my favorite genre that has "evolved" so much that it becomes an oxymoron and ultimately a fucking parody of itself.
Why are you obsessed with wizards?

it's a good way of pigeonholing the geeky subgenres (satanic/occult black metal, fantasy-oriented power, folk) and there are countless songs and albums containing either the word "wizard" or wizards' names.

ObscureInfinity said:
I never said there was. I was simply saying that I don't generally care for contradictions within metal and think that the sub-genres within the style can evolve without the addition of contradicting elements. Dead Congregation and Deathevokation are good examples of modern bands that do this within death metal.

I don't really see how metal is a contradiction of rock but I guess you could say that about post-rock. I'm not really concerned with that issue.

"Contradictions within a genre" is pretty vague, can you be more specific? I'm sure rock and roll purists view metal as a contradiction of rock, seeing as it has strayed so far from rock & roll and "classic rock" aka "old white man music."