Controversial opinions on metal

Anything can be art, art can be anything.

Whether or not something is art depends on the person viewing it.

If someone thinks a urinal attached to a barstool is art, well then, it is. Same applies with music. If someone thinks that elevator music, for example, is art, well, it is to them.
is it art just because you hang it on the wall?

Obviously not.

is it garbage just because it was in the garbage?

Obviously not.

Whether or not something is art depends on the person viewing it.

No; one can very easily be mistaken.

If someone thinks a urinal attached to a barstool is art, well then, it is. Same applies with music. If someone thinks that elevator music, for example, is art, well, it is to them.

This is a blatant falsity with no basis, so I suggest that you expand upon this if you wish to continue on with this line of thought.

Art is art in the eye of the beholder


and the person who made it.

Yes...for the most part.
Just to fuck with you both, if Ed Gein skins someone and uses it as decorative upholstry or a lampshade, makes a window curtain out of people's lips or a belt out of nipples or a mask out of someone's face is that art? :confused:

That's depends on why he's doing it. If it's simply for an aesthetic of functional purpose, probably not, but that can very easily be an artistic act.
I agree here too... put an Iron Maiden or Priest bassline up against a Duran Duran or Madness one for technicality & we'll see who comes up trumps...

Controversial metal opinions:
1. Metallica suck huge cock & always have (average at best)
2. Iron Maiden & Judas Priest annoy the shit out me most of the time, amuse me some of the time & impress me far less often then they should, given the amount of people who won't shut up about them.
3. Raining Blood is not the only Slayer song, I don't care who the fuck you are, cover something else.
4. Metalheads in general bore & irritate the shit out of me. (yes I am into metal)
5. Because someone is a pioneer, it does not make them THE authority/benchmark. (Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen)
6. "Broodal" & "kvlt" aren't even real fucking words... why do so many metalheads insist on using them... "brutal" shits me too... english is a fascinating language, use it & all it's adjectives.
7. "throwing horns" is just fucking AAAARRRGHHHHH!!! Why are you doing it?!!
8. putting clean vocals in a song, where the bulk is screamy or growly (or vice-versa) has been done to death, leave it.
9. On paper, Opeth should be my favourite band... yet they're boring as shit & fucking suck... AND...
10. Metal is dead... or at best stagnant.

Well than listen to Tokyo Hotel and fu$k off
The problem with your reasoning lies in the fact that intent is never truly provable. Then again, nothing is so...meh. But, if the creator is wrong about his own art, what does that make other people?
The problem with your reasoning lies in the fact that intent is never truly provable. Then again, nothing is so...meh. But, if the creator is wrong about his own art, what does that make other people?

Not only does it not actually matter whether or not the intention can ever be known in order for something to be considered art, but I'm pretty sure the artist usually does reveal his intentions if it's not obvious enough as it is. I just wrote a paper on anti-Christian sentiment in Heavy Metal, citing an abundance of lyrics from Heathen, Holy Terror, Atheist, and Immolation, the latter being supported by an interview; I think it's obvious enough what the intention is behind songs like "Hypnotized", "No Resurrection", "Failures For Gods", and "No Truth" whether it's directly stated in a message from the artist or not. And again, going back to knowing the intention, even if we think that something does not have an intention and is not art, that does not change its status as art if it actually does have an intention such that it designates it as a work of art. It simply means that we are mistaken in our belief.
I do not think your definition of art is complete and all-encompassing, nor do I really think that art can be defined concretely.
If you go back and read properly, you'll see that I not only did not give a definition of art, but I also implied that it's most likely impossible to give a completely satisfiable definition of art universally, but that doesn't mean that we can't talk about art nor does it mean that we can't supply working definitions of art, necessary conditions rather than sufficient.