Controversial opinions on metal

I Am The Black Wizards gets a 9/10 from me. Love that song. Great stuff. Why you dislike?

I'm sure I'd like it more if the guitars were actually audible. They have the drums turned up so loud you can barely hear the riffing. I've heard the song live and it's badass. It's just a matter of the mixing/production on the studio album.
Edge of Sanity was never a very important band in the grand scheme of things. I don't even really understand why Dan Swano has so many diehard fanboys.

I agree. Also, I really don't get why Crimson is so popular. I thought that was one of the most boring and unoriginal death metal albums I've heard. I'm guessing its popular becuase of the Opeth connections.
I can't stand Emperor. They're okay at their best. Agalloch is more indie rock than metal and they trolled y'all into liking them. Modern BM has great ideas but is frequently bogged down by glitzy Backstreet Boys production and a refusal to challenge convention more fully.
I don't think Agalloch has released any masterpieces, but they are doing something that very few American artists are, and I respect them for that. Also, metal or otherwise, they make some irrefutably beautiful music.
I think most people who hate Agalloch/shoegaze BM are not listening to it for the right reasons and expect something with bombastic leads and excitement where none is intended