Controversial opinions on metal

Spiritual Healing is the best straight Death metal album they made, with Leprosy in a close second. Scream Bloody Gore comes In last.
Human is tied with Individual Thought Patterns for their best prog/tech death metal album. Symbolic and The Sound Of Perseverance are both awesome Progressi Thrash/Death albums.
Spiritual Healing is the best straight Death metal album they made, with Leprosy in a close second. Scream Bloody Gore comes In last.


Human is tied with Individual Thought Patterns for their best prog/tech death metal album. Symbolic and The Sound Of Perseverance are both awesome Progressi Thrash/Death albums.

No. ITP is a mess and everything after that is gay.
ITP was amazing, and has what is in my opinion the best bass performance on any metal album.
And Symbolic and TSOP are still awesome albums IMO.
I think he'd enjoy the first two albums(which are the best Death albums) more. Considering Death started to go more Progressive after those two.
ITP was amazing, and has what is in my opinion the best bass performance on any metal album.

Hoglan is nowhere near as tight a drummer as Reinert for starters, and DiGiorgio is a good player but there are many better than him. Sean Malone's performance on Focus and Tony Choy's performance on Unquestionable Presence are two that spring to mind that are leaps & bounds ahead of the bass performance on ITP. Digiorgio also has a shit sound which doesn't help his cause. I saw them live on that tour and discovered why - he was using a Fender Precision fretless plugged straight into an Ampeg SVT 1000 with an 8x10 cab, no effects at all. That rig is great for a classic rock sound with a fretted bass, but fretless needs some work to sound good, especially if you're going to try to use it in a heavy band setting. It's no wonder the bass was buried on Human.
For regular death metal, its
1.Spiritual Healing
3.Scream Bloody Gore

For the proggier stuff, its
3.The Sound Of Perseverance
4.Individual Thought Patterns

Sure there not the best death metal band ever, but Schuldiner and Death deserve to be very well respected amongst the other "legendary" metal bands. I think most of this "o hey guys yea death is ok i guess" type opinions is just because of the overworship the prog stuff got after Schuldiner died.
Hoglan is nowhere near as tight a drummer as Reinert for starters, and DiGiorgio is a good player but there are many better than him. Sean Malone's performance on Focus and Tony Choy's performance on Unquestionable Presence are two that spring to mind that are leaps & bounds ahead of the bass performance on ITP. Digiorgio also has a shit sound which doesn't help his cause. I saw them live on that tour and discovered why - he was using a Fender Precision fretless plugged straight into an Ampeg SVT 1000 with an 8x10 cab, no effects at all. That rig is great for a classic rock sound with a fretted bass, but fretless needs some work to sound good, especially if you're going to try to use it in a heavy band setting. It's no wonder the bass was buried on Human.
I love Sean Malone's playing on Focus, and I'm not a big Atheist an so I haven't heard Tony Choy's work on that album, but even thought both those albums may have more technical bass stuff going on, I really love the actual bass lines on ITP. I also really like the sound, but that's jut me.
And of course Hoglan is no Reiner, but he's still a top notch drummer.
I actually only bought Spiritual Healing recently, and so far it's been a pretty big disappointment. Good solos, but the riffs are mostly boring and the songs seem overlong. :(