Controversial opinions on metal

Yup, just like how i still support the new Metallica, Morbid Angel and Sepultura albums :Spin:

Please refer back the my last post, and just look at that mans face for a couple seconds and you'd know exactly how i feel about the troll juice that you and that other kid seem to be spewing.
Not liking every single band? What does that even mean? What, you think there are only like 10-15 tech-death bands? Theres only a handfull of bands that i really like. And i've probably listened to more shittier bands than what you've heard so far of the whole sub genre.

Waiting for a .... "fwiw tech death isnt a sub-genre".

Oh and i wasnt going for a certain phrase, smart ass. It's pretty self-explanatory, right?

You are easily the most annoying person here since ... shit, i dont even remember, but you're annoying as fuck.

You said he didn't like "modern tech-death", after he said he didn't like Beyond Creation. Just because somebody doesn't like one band, doesn't mean they can't like other tech-death bands, and that's what I meant by that. Maybe if you acquired some reading comprehension skills, you would've known what I said. (and how the fuck am I supposed to remember everything Krow likes?)

You've listened to more "shittier" bands than me? Wow awesome bro, want a cookie?

And no, you meant to say "to each their own", because "to all their own" makes no fucking sense.

Oh, and thanks for the compliment. Am I supposed to give a fuck about what you think of me?
WOW, you're such a fucking idiot.

Here .... HE DOESNT LIKE BEYOND CREATION BECAUSE HE IS NOT A FAN OF MODERN TECH-DEATH. Does me putting it in caps help hammer it through that thick, retarded skull of yours? And you have the nerve to complain about my reading comprehension skills? LOL! Do me the biggest favor and get fucking lost kid ... you're hopeless.

You've listened to more "shittier" bands than me? Wow awesome bro, want a cookie?
Maybe if you acquired some reading comprehension skills

Reading comprehension skills you say? :lol::lol: ... just hopeless.

edit: Oh and thank you for telling ME what I meant to say. :lol: I'm truly sorry that your little pea-brain couldn't process what I said.

Oh and just for the record:

Tech death metal is the gayest shit ever anyway.

Like i said, most of the lobby regulars here know each other well enough to know what they like or dont when it comes to metal.
WOW, you're such a fucking idiot.

Here .... HE DOESNT LIKE BEYOND CREATION BECAUSE HE IS NOT A FAN OF MODERN TECH-DEATH. Does me putting it in caps help hammer it through that thick, retarded skull of yours? And you have the nerve to complain about my reading comprehension skills? LOL! Do me the biggest favor and get fucking lost kid ... you're hopeless.

I did not know whether he was a fan of modern tech-death, I was just saying that if somebody in general doesn't like a band, it doesn't mean they can't still like the genre. I didn't know Krow had already said he didn't like tech-death, because I don't remember everything I've ever read on here. And why do you care so fucking much?

Reading comprehension skills you say? :lol::lol: ... just hopeless.

edit: Oh and thank you for telling ME what I meant to say. :lol: I'm truly sorry that your little pea-brain couldn't process what I said.
I knew what you meant to say, that's how I knew how to correct you!

Oh and just for the record:

Like i said, most of the lobby regulars here know each other well enough to know what they like or dont when it comes to metal.

Yeah, I know a good deal about other posters here, but I don't know and remember everything. I know you have a boner for trash and Gorguts, I know Zeph likes industrial BM, I know The Butt likes dubstep, and so on...

Just chill out dude. I didn't have anything against you before you became a giant cunt, but man, you've been a giant cunt! If I'm so annoying to you, you can always press the "ignore posts" button, but is that too hard for you to do?
Is this the first time you've been through this with him neph? :lol:

It's a rite of passage here, like losing your virginity... Getting in a fight with tnb.
A significant portion of black 'metal' artists just re-appropriate the sounds of other non-metal genres with only shit production, shrieking, and maybe some repetitive tremolo picked riffs to provide the semblance of metal.

That's a great observation. It seems to me there's a huge market for metal that's not metal, so the bored children of the middle classes can continue to be "rebels in their own minds" but still not venture beyond the normal mundane music they actually like.
^ So although that may be the case often enough, that music is still a gateway that will eventually lure the listener into the realm of more extreme metal. I think it's great to have music that covers all ends of the spectrum, personally.
I think the gateway goes more in the opposite direction. Metal kids hear their first Alcest or whatever album, get interested in shoegaze or whatever not-remotely-metal-related genre, then delete 90% of their old LastFM metal scrobbles and reinvent themselves as cultured listeners of challenging and relatively obscure music. Nothing necessarily wrong with that, but it shows an obvious double-standard when all kinds of fruity metal hybrids get the OK yet one too many breakdowns or vaguely-rapped verses and now you're a hardcore band somehow. Black metal is as much a fashion statement as it is a musical sub-genre (as it has been since its conception).
To clarify, when I say "as much a fashion statement" I mean the net total of all bands labeled as such, some of which apply superficial black metal tropes to non-metal genres for the intent of deluding metalheads, some of which are focused primarily on writing metal songs with image only a concern as much as it is for any band within a particular niche, and most falling in between somewhere.

EDIT: Unless you're disputing the "since its conception" part, in which case one only has to point to Bathory to see what a lie black metal has always been.
I think the gateway goes more in the opposite direction.

It really could go in any direction. I became interested in shoegaze while exploring post-black metal (also Warpaint gets some credit in leading me to it) and yet i hate post-black metal and bands along similar lines (Deafheaven, Lantlôs, Amesoeurs, Closed Room, Alcest, Altar of Plagues, etc) but came to love shoegaze and my increased appreciation for it has not lead to me losing interest in metal in any way.
I think the gateway goes more in the opposite direction. Metal kids hear their first Alcest or whatever album, get interested in shoegaze or whatever not-remotely-metal-related genre, then delete 90% of their old LastFM metal scrobbles and reinvent themselves as cultured listeners of challenging and relatively obscure music.

This is my experience. Emo/indie/metalcore/shoegaze hybrids in metal tend to convince metal listeners they're "open-minded" and thus they drift off to something else, forever looking for that next radical musical choice to show they're different. People who actually like metal tend to avoid these hybrids because they're fundamentally not metal, even if they have some metal riffs.
It doesn't matter if the music isn't metal, as surprisingly metal isn't the only good genre out there. You only hurt yourself by not exploring unknown musical territory, and if it's a hybrid band that gets you there that shouldn't be a problem.
They usually seek it in a gang or ideology, which is a family surrogate.

Prozak, who writes the articles on Is it you? Is Conservationist a part of that site? I remember him from somewhere and understood he was behind that site too.. Also, who wrote all the reviews on ANUS? Was it more than one person?

Thanks for the answers. I'm kinda lost in who "staff" is above the site's articles.