Controversial opinions on metal

Black metal has a lot more variety than people who don't really listen to it seem to realize.
Yeah you gotta eonder what bands theyve listened to

I guess mainly the more common ones, like Mayhem, Burzum, Darkthrone, Windir, Immortal, Dimmu Borgir, etc.
I really enjoy Mayhem and Darkthrone's non-black metal work, the rest of it is just meh to me.
That's what people told me and it resulted in me avoiding the few black metal bands I have come to appreciate. Arntor was my first black metal album iirc.
I was one that enjoyed Windir but never really made it past them. Probably not a great gateway band if I just stood in the gate and didn't enter. Black thrash is decent but I'd prefer other subgenres of thrash over it too..