Controversial opinions on metal

The Return sounds pretty awful to me. It's not as raw and gritty as the debut and not as developed as Under the Sign. Also, the playing is really's the only of the first couple that I generally have no interest in.
Controversial Opinion: The Return is easily one of the best Bathory albums after Under the Sign of the Black Mark. The playing may be a little sloppy but I believe the album contains some best riffs in all of Bathory. So dirty and evil.
Seriously though, I personally feel that Hammerheart and Blood Fire Death are the worst of the first 5, which means they are still better than 99% of all BM.

Because you are a fellow finnish death metal fanatic I'm going to pretend that you were slightly intoxicated when the last part of that sentence was written :D
I think he got better with each release with his first five actually, so: Hammerheart > Blood Fire Death > Under the Sign of the Black Mark > The Return > Bathory
Why make a distinction between the first five and the rest? Twilight of the Gods is Bathory's magnum opus in my opinion. Even if you don't agree there's not really any consensus regarding the quality of the first five albums versus this one. There is a major stylistic difference, but that's also the case between 1&2-3&4-5.
Why make a distinction between the first five and the rest? Twilight of the Gods is Bathory's magnum opus in my opinion. Even if you don't agree there's not really any consensus regarding the quality of the first five albums versus this one. There is a major stylistic difference, but that's also the case between 1&2-3&4-5.

Twilight of the Gods is a terrible album man! The title track is the only one with anything going for it whatsoever. The drum sound on that album is worse than basically anything ever.
Why make a distinction between the first five and the rest? Twilight of the Gods is Bathory's magnum opus in my opinion. Even if you don't agree there's not really any consensus regarding the quality of the first five albums versus this one. There is a major stylistic difference, but that's also the case between 1&2-3&4-5.
Yeah, I agree, while I don't think it his best album it is probably better than all of his first three.
Nordland I is definitely up there, fucking awesome album. Not so sure about Nordland II, it's damn good but the songs don't stand out as much.
If we talk about style the Nordland albums would be companions to Hammerheart, and I would definitely agree that at least Nordland I tops Hammerheart. It gets underrated simply because it was released in 2002 rather than in 1990.
Hammerheart is not that great of an album. The sound on it is fantastic, and the style he created on it is awesome. Shores In Flames, Song To Hall Up High/Home Of Once Brave, One Rode To Asa Bay, and maybe Valhalla are all classic. However Father To Son and Baptised In Fire And Ice are pretty mediocre and disrupt the album. I rarely listen to it all the way through, unlike Nordland I.
Are you sure you are a metalhead ? Hating Maiden,Hating Judas Priest,Hating Metallica, Hating Opeth.

I agree here too... put an Iron Maiden or Priest bassline up against a Duran Duran or Madness one for technicality & we'll see who comes up trumps...

Controversial metal opinions:
1. Metallica suck huge cock & always have (average at best)
2. Iron Maiden & Judas Priest annoy the shit out me most of the time, amuse me some of the time & impress me far less often then they should, given the amount of people who won't shut up about them.
3. Raining Blood is not the only Slayer song, I don't care who the fuck you are, cover something else.
4. Metalheads in general bore & irritate the shit out of me. (yes I am into metal)
5. Because someone is a pioneer, it does not make them THE authority/benchmark. (Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen)
6. "Broodal" & "kvlt" aren't even real fucking words... why do so many metalheads insist on using them... "brutal" shits me too... english is a fascinating language, use it & all it's adjectives.
7. "throwing horns" is just fucking AAAARRRGHHHHH!!! Why are you doing it?!!
8. putting clean vocals in a song, where the bulk is screamy or growly (or vice-versa) has been done to death, leave it.
9. On paper, Opeth should be my favourite band... yet they're boring as shit & fucking suck... AND...
10. Metal is dead... or at best stagnant.
Agreed, but I still slightly prefer the combo of Shores In Flames and One Rode To Asa Bay to possibly the whole s/t.
Are you serious. Their album Metal on Metal inspired a lot of bands. Each song on the record had a different sound to them. Each song became the sound of one band. Metallica forged after one of their song.

Also i am Canadian and back in the day we were really pround of Anvil being quite popular. Now i did not see the documentary everyone is talking about thought.

What was their contribution to metal outside from a slew of lame, unambitious albums that take as much from AC/DC as they do Priest/Sabbath/etc? When I hear people praise them, it's because they were evidently inspiring to the early thrashers. Scott Ian met Clemente doing the butter-bust jerky, after all.