
Granted, but it's only because you turned into a techno-freak. So it's all just an illusion

I wish that stupid grey cat stopped hating me
Granted, now the only thing you can survive on are lactose-products, have fun with your yoghurt and milk, forevah mwuahahahahahahhaa!

I wish I didn't forget names this easily
Granted, but a smelly old man comes with it.

I wish I had a McDonalds in my backyard.
Granted, but you'd be here with me .. (I think I just insulted myself)

I wish I had my sexy signature back.
Granted but they are so far and few between that you go bonkers by the end of the year.

I wish I could go out with a bang.
Granted, but that bang is your liver exploding.

I wish something would destroy the earth in 2006! :tickled:
Granted, but the licking epidemic this created increased STD transmission 1000 fold, and you die of AIDS the following week.

I wish it was New Years Day, everyday.
Granted, but "good" as deemed so only by a group of hyper 5 year old critics on a sugar high.

I wish this snow would go away!
Granted but now it is liquid and you drown in a pool of ice cold water.

I wish I could find the Ark of the Covenant.
Granted, but when you do Jesus returns and saves all Christians ..and completely forgets about you.

I wish I could marry Peta Wilson.