
Granted, but everyone there moves to North Korea before you arrive.

I wish I could go back in time and marry Pamela Anderson before she got STDs.
Granted, but reality hits and hurts harder.

I wish I could go back in time and undo all of the mistakes I've made.
Granted,but first you have to do ya mistakes all over again,so you can learn from ya mistakes (hm,not sure if it makes sense here :p )

i wish i could typ faster...
Granted, but your error rate is 99.3%.

I wish I was a famous .. belly dancer.
Granted, but without your incredible intellect, your home planet is as good as doomed.

I wish I could run and just not stop .. like forrest gump.
Granted, and you live all those nightmares in waking life.

I wish I had more super powers.
Granted, but a distraught twinkie employee packed it full of TNT.

I wish I never gave so much ..
Granted, but having no teeth doesn't help matters much.

I wish ..I could instantly kill people with a single thought.